
alternative spelling for the Croatan Native Americans who lived in NC in pre-columbian times and when the colonists arrived.

The Native Americans living in the Carolinas believed in the immortality of the soul. Upon death, the soul either enters heaven to live with the gods or goes to a place near the setting sun called Popogusso, to burn for eternity in a huge pit. The concept of heaven and hell was used on the common people to respect leaders and live a life that would be beneficial to them in the afterlife. Conjurors and Priests were distinctive spiritual leaders. Priests were chosen for their knowledge and wisdom, and were leaders of the organized religion. Conjurors on the other hand were chosen for their magical abilities. Conjurors were thought to have powers from a personal connection with a supernatural being (mostly spirits from the animal world).

So will these Native Beliefs play a role in the story, and if so, will it be cultural appropriation?

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau


You lost me at cultural appropriation.


those were the last two words I typed, but in a world where a white person wearing a do-rag or twerking is accused of cultural appropriation....

"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong." J.J. Rousseau


"Croatoan", the only word left carved in a tree after the colony disappeared. Supposedly meaning they meant to move on towards nearby Croatoa island, but no signs of them were found either there or anywhere else. Also an old X-Files episode is named this too.


And the moment Roanoke was mentioned in reference to this season I knew Croatoan would be involved. Meh. Very meh.


And the moment Roanoke was mentioned in reference to this season I knew Croatoan would be involved.

That's really impressive! Do you moonlight as a detective?

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.


They called a demonic virus the "Croatoan virus" in Supernatural, too. The legend gets around! XD
