MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > OT: Home Depot Pulls "Offensive" Hallowe...

OT: Home Depot Pulls "Offensive" Halloween Decoration from Shelf

Get ready guys... Halloween will be cancelled soon. Someone is offended by something all the time now. People have become such pussies and its scary.

The War on Halloween continues.

In the year 2016, pretty much everything is offensive, and Halloween has in recent years become enemy number one of those who just can’t stop getting offended. Every year we tend to write up at least a couple stories that fit that bill, and this latest one comes our way courtesy of Fortune…

Over in Toronto, Ontario, a line of “Scary Creeper Peeper” Halloween decorations recently drew the ire of one Home Depot customer, the woman complaining that the decorations “make light of predatory behavior against women.” The decorations, which are also available in stores across the US, are meant to be affixed to the outside of windows via suction cups, and they depict either a clown or a creepy dude peering in through the window.

The woman feels that the decorations downplay voyeurism, and she fails to see the humor in them.

“It makes light of a very serious crime,” she said. “Voyeurism is a crime in Canada.”

In response to the complaint, Home Depot pulled the decorations off their shelves.

“We agree that this is not in line with our core values, and when we heard, took immediate action and are currently in the process of removing this product from our assortment,” said a Home Depot spokesperson. “We’ve reached out to advise the customer of our actions and apologize. We’re sorry for any offense that was caused.”

“We at Scary Peeper would never, ever, condone any type of violence,” the owners of the company told Fortune in a statement. “Our intention for this product is for it to be used as a fun-spirited prank. We offer our sincerest apologies to anyone who has been offended by our products, and certainly, to those who have been victimized by voyeurs.”

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"Live Fast, Die Young"


New goal in life: create a Halloween decoration so terrifying it gets pulled off the shelf.


1 shopper complained and they pulled the entire line? Dear sweet baby jesus.


On a related note, I didn't know Home Depot sold Halloween decorations!

Don't Jûdgê a Boôk by Its Movîe


It does but they aren't really creative. Michael's, on the other hand, has the best decorations.


I like the stuff at Target. It's almost classy.

No Quarter


And Kmart! This pulling stuff off the shelves crap is all ridiculous! I just bought myself a Halloween gift today. And...
I Love This Guy! He Dances And Sings "Soul Man." I Named Him Joliet Jake. 

Had To Have it!

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


That's offensive. Pull it!

*just expressing faux outrage*


Isn't he cute though? I was just walking around and being the Halloween nut that I am, I had to go around pushing all the buttons on everything. And then I saw him! I thought he looks like an old bluesman who sold his soul down at the crossroads. And being a blues(wo)man myself, I went over and kicked the platform and it moved for a second. Then I saw he had a button. So I pushed it and he started jammin' out to "Soul Man!" I just jumped back and said "I gotta have this!" And put him in my cart. He ain't Halloween for me though. This guy will be out all year round cause I freakin' love him!  Wish I could show him in motion, cause it's adorable. 

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


He's really cute. I'm so jealous of you guys- it's not really a thing here.


I'm so jealous of you guys- it's not really a thing here

Really? That sucks! Why is that? You sure scared the hell out of my cousin with "Wolf Creek". She will never go to Australia because of that movie, like America isn't a country full of horror. What a dope. 

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


Just dropping this here. You may get a chuckle from it.

Are those flies fücking?


Thanks buddy, I ended up there for an hour, watching one after the other. I love Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry! Fry and Laurie, Jeeves and Wooster. Such great guys. And now I miss House. :(

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.



LOL. The only scary thing about Wolf Creek is the psycho producer making it out to be factual. Soccer mums on the road running late to drop off their brats at sport's night are much more horrifying than Mad Mick. So are drop bears and vegemite.


Vegemite is one of the most revolting things I have ever tasted. The only good thing about it, is the line it provides in Men At Work's Down Under. "Can't you hear, Can't you hear the Thunder! Ya better run, you better take cover". Love that song! It's classic! Now whistle. 

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


Americanos dont get vegemite because they take a giant spoonful of it like it's peanut butter. It needs to be lightly smeared on, not lathered on. I gave a little kid in Tibet some vegemite on flat bread. He loved it. His brother came over and asked for some so I gave it to him. He ran away screaming. Funniest thing I have ever seen. Tibetans live on rancid yak butter that smells like a trekker wore the same pair of socks for a month and then died in them, but one lil kid couldnt handle some vitamin B in a jar? Laughed so hard I hurt myself.

It really is quite disgusting. Right up there with durian and japanese natto. I only started to eat it at boarding school because the food was so sht it was the only thing that didnt stink like a rotting corpse.


Don't even say durian, I will vomit just thinking of that repugnant smell it gives off. Ugh! I had vegemite on a piece of toast with butter. It is salt-tay!
I think you've actually travelled more than I have. Not that I'm done, but do you mostly travel for fun or for work? Would it be rude to ask your age? You don't have to say if you don't want, or could just say for-ties. Stretch it. lol!

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


Durian smells like a gangrenous wound covered in maggots after a rotten egg farted in a sulphur pit. My local greengrocer gets it in occasionally. I can smell it as soon as I walk into the shopping centre at which point I turn green, back out slowly, and start projectile vomiting a la Linda Blair. Reminds me of being on a barge going up Riau Archipelago one time. Too hot to stay below deck with all the locals so decided to do what the normal people were doing and sleep up. Woke up at 1am to find some lil bastard had left a half eaten durian right next to me. You know those tiny little hairs you have in your nostril? I no longer have any.

I've been very fortunate to travel. Started when my dad took me to asia when I was a lil tacker and have been going ever since. Lots of stories - some horrifying like the durian episodes but mostly fun. Where have you been?


Durian smells like a gangrenous wound covered in maggots after a rotten egg farted in a sulphur pit. My local greengrocer gets it in occasionally. I can smell it as soon as I walk into the shopping centre at which point I turn green, back out slowly, and start projectile vomiting a la Linda Blair. Reminds me of being on a barge going up Riau Archipelago one time. Too hot to stay below deck with all the locals so decided to do what the normal people were doing and sleep up. Woke up at 1am to find some lil bastard had left a half eaten durian right next to me. You know those tiny little hairs you have in your nostril? I no longer have any.

All of this ^ made me vomit in my mouth.

I've been to Italy, Greece, Scotland, England, Egypt, Ireland, Brazil for Carnival, Morocco, France, Israel, Indonesia, Jamaica, a couple other places I'm not remembering, all over the States, and as I'm writing this I'm realizing how often I've gotten lost in other countries. I'd like to go to Moscow. There seems to be so much to see. Have you been? I'd love to know if you enjoyed it.

Killing Can Be a Righteous Act.


I've only been to the airport so that doesnt count. I have some fb friends from moscow so can ask for recommendations of what to do it you like. When I was travelling in China I booked the Trans Siberian but my travel companion stupidly got pneumonia in Tibet and I had to take the ass hole home.

I get lost in other countries all the time, but not as much as I get lost in my own country. I have no sense of direction. Just go with the flow - it's good fun.

Where did you go in Indonesia? I've been 6 times so have covered a lot from one side to the other.

How did we get onto travel in this thread? I can talk under wet cement about travel. I've been to every continent except antarctica. Not sure I'll ever get there but never say never.


Everyone's offended by everything nowadays.

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


I know. I bet she's one of those 'will you think of the children' lobbyists who tries to get adult movies banned just incase lil johnny goes to the cinema in his PJs at midnight and watches something without her.

OT what's Home Depot?

Never mind. I looked it up. Looks like a cool shop. Is it like a much bigger version of Bed Bath and Breakfast or whatever it's called? I didnt see any of those around when I was in US


Yes, its a bigger and better version of Bed Bath and Beyond.

And this woman is crazy. I cant believe they pulled the entire line off of one complaint.

"Live Fast, Die Young"


I've been complaining about stupid people for years, yet they are still around.

Not today Satan, not today


And this woman is crazy.

Yep. Her village called. They miss her.


Broke worked at Home Depot a million years ago.
Their warehouse stores are so big, they have birds in them.
They probably followed the forest that was cut down to make their lumber stock.

You can basically build an entire house with the stuff they have for sale there.
From shingles to cement, power tools and toilets.

No Quarter


She offends me. Can we pull her?


Couldn't she have just, I don't know, not bought the thing and ignored it?

Is that as hard as she makes it out to be?
I have to find something that offends me so I can see if I can resist the urge to make sure nobody gets it.


Her crazy reaction is less surprising than the utter gutlessness of the upper management in bowing down to one nut's nutty nonsense.


Good grief! Those things are meant to be stuck on the INSIDE of the window, peering out, to scare trick or treaters.

What gripes me more than one person making a stink about this kind of thing, is the fact that a company would apologize for it, and pull the entire line of similar products from the shelves. Just to appease ONE PERSON. What about the rest of their customers?!

(Don't mess with my Halloween decorations.)


Not sure if that decoration was meant for interior or exterior uses. It could go either way for parties, haunted house themes, or to ward off trick or treaters.



Someone was upset about dog police costumes beig male gender specific. Not sure if I have a non offensive opinion about anything anymore.
