down hill since season 1

that is a fact


no it's not. that's your opinion. there is a huge difference


Facts are facts, thats a fact!


Season 1 wasn't a very big hill then


And you stuck around for 5 more years why exactly?


You need to look up the definition of "fact".


I agree that I just haven't really liked any season as much as 1. The past couple I couldn't even watch. I like this season the most so far since murder house.



It truly amazes me that this show made it past season 1. It seems this show is aimed at freaks and sickos that just want twisted shit rather than having a solid story about well idk an actual horror.


It seems this show is aimed at freaks and sickos

Is that why you're watching it?


Am I? I couldn't even tell you what this season is about, dani-the-weirdo-scamming-bitch-from-the-walking-dead-board.


So if you dont watch it how do you know who it caters to, or were you just bored and decided to troll?


They're called "reviews" 


What the hell kind of reviews do you read?


I don't know why it is, but I've visited horror sites where there seems to be an odd animosity between AHS and TWD fans, even within the site's staff. It seems to be those two shows and their fanbases. I'm really clueless as to why.

EDIT: I guess I should state the purpose of writing the above statement. There are quite a few horror websites out there, and I assume that if one is run by or heavy in contribution of TWD fans, then you're going to see a clear bias. I've seen it on bloody-disgusting, where it seems anti-TWD, and the comment section is split.

Are those flies fücking?


I guess because they are the biggest horror shows today. Both have a huge following. It sort of reminds me of Friends and How I Met Your Mother.


Didn't Friends end before How I Met Your Mother even started?

Are those flies fücking?


Yeah but that doesn't stop fans from comparing to two. Both are sitcoms that involve a group of friends in New York City, with both having very similar formats. They're bound to be compared.


The ones dissing the show obviously you dense cunt.


That's Mr. Dense *beep* to you, so excuse you.


I'm sorry. I just don't like people disagreeing with me disagreeing with them. 😒


Please tell me you're not old enough to vote. You're going to base your opinion of something on some random reviews?


It's a troll, Avola.


So I don't like a weird show about fking people with metal dildos till they die, and the first thing that pops into your head is "please tell me you're not old enough to vote"? NO, please tell me YOU'RE not old enough to vote.


Gerald Broflovski... I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! XD


I'm with you. I really loved season one thought it was absolutely great. Season 2 was a bit out there but still pretty good. Season 3 made me gag and couldn't even finish season 4 or 5. It's a shame
