Flying insects

Anyone know what species of flying insect that was in the movie? And how they tied into the story? I was on a Ring forum/blog a couple days ago, searching for answers, and someone said they were luna moths. Though I looked up pix of luna moths and they don't appear to have stingers, while I'm pretty sure I saw a stinger (or at least some type of end appendage) on the creatures in this movie. So I'm guessing a fictional hybrid of a luna moth and either a damselfly or darning needle (since those appear to have stingers).

Just wondering because it reminded me a lot of a creature I saw 3 summers ago outside my apartment. One of the biggest flying bugs I'd ever seen, plus had a huge stinger/end appendage that looked at least as long as its body (and that it used to curl up on itself to free itself from a spiderweb). Freaked the hell out of me, whether it was actually a stinger or not. Looked like one of those freaky bug creatures from The Mist (or so I thought due to my heightened fear at the time lol).

Btw: I live in Virginia in the US and quite close to a river. Due to being so close to a river, I guess the bugs we get sometimes are a bit large and tropical-looking in nature, more so than most areas around where I live. Though I'd never seen a creature like that before or since. Checked bug books and the net and the closest thing I could find were damselflys and darning needles. Well, until this movie.

PS - I had befriended a homeless/abandoned cat at the time and was just about to feed him (I'd feed him and we'd hang out together each night, or at least each night he'd come around - long story why I couldn't take him in and adopt him, though I felt bad that I couldn't...he was a seriously awesome cat, though most cats seem to like me and bond with me anyway and vice versa, wish it could be like that with most people lol). Then I saw that creature out there and...lets just say kitty almost went hungry that night (yes, sometimes I can be a so-called "pussy" - no pun intended lol). Though luckily I was able to "man up", open the door again, and set out the food for him (he apparently didn't share my anxiety over said creature...and he was still in one piece the next day, so I guess he was right not to fear it) :-)

So yeah, any ideas what that creature was and its significance to the story? Also, what was up with Sadako turning into those freaky spider/camel cricket type creatures? Man, 2 of the creepiest type insect creatures ever were in this movie. Plus the endings to both the first Ringu AND the first Ring movies rank up there among the scariest of all time for me (saw The Ring first, so in Ringu I knew exactly what was coming, so I shouldn't have been scared, yet somehow it managed to creep me out even more - that's when I realized how much I love this franchise, got me into Asian horror and everything).

So this movie should have been one of the creepiest Asian horrors of all time on account of all that alone. So why wasn't it? lol

Though I still don't think its quite as terrible as some are suggesting. Its better than some Ju-On sequels and I don't see those getting bashed. Though I know all opinions are subjective. I've just noticed movie fans (and people on message boards in general) can get a bit extreme and melodramatic with their opinions. Like how its rare to find people who will admit to liking both the Japanese AND American versions of the first Ring movie. Makes them seem a bit pretentious and not seem as much like real human beings.

Passion is a good thing, don't get me wrong, we all need a passion, and I know I'm a bit "weird"...maybe I'm just somewhat of a hippie and I just enjoy confrontations less than most? ::shrug:: I just think sometimes people take it a bit far when they become hostile and snobby and look down at others for not sharing the same views or for not being as "strong minded" in having extreme black and white views, that's all. And calling everything the "worst movie ever" is just childishly melodramatic to the point of ridiculousness. Plus using words like "drivel", "tripe", "dreck", etc - do people in real life even talk like that? lol None that I've heard. Just screams "pretentious wannabe film snob" IMO. But no offense meant to anyone here.

Sorry for the rant...I just admitted to not enjoying confrontations, so why do all my posts turn into rants (yay passive-aggressiveness, eh?)? ;-)

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."
