Simplybetter than Civil War

Civil War was very good, but this has a tighter, more emotive narrative.. plus, this has a higher rewatchable factor than Civl War. I did think CW was the best de facto Avengers movie

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I'd say that TWS had a better inclusive story.

Whereas CACW is the coming together of several stories laced throughout many marvel movies, which is fine if you've been watching all the movies (and I have and I enjoyed seeing that connection).

But, if you haven't, watching TWS is easier to understand and follow as a whole.

That's what makes TWSa better 'standalone' movie but not necessarily a better movie.


I like WS more too...
It really took a different approach and is more serious therefore imo believable.
Civil War...I really enjoyed the first half...building up to the..cue the Airport scene...
and as entertaining as that scene is it is still Marvel/Disney punch-joke-punch-joke-punch-joke-superhero landing-joke 
And it brought me out of the moment...
but the RDJ is excellent in the end...great acting
