Season 5?

We have 1 more episode yet to air here in sunny Oregon, am hooked on these girls
Will there be a season 5? Since I have not yet seen the last episode, (8) I won't read any of the comments concerning that one.


No spoilers here. Unfortunately, also no answers. I did notice that on Amazon UK there were searches for season 5 so that is something. If I do learn anything definitive, I will post again. Sorry this is no help, but at least someone shares your pain. 

EDIT: There's another thread further down that apparently quotes a Twitter posting. You should check it out.

It's a real burden being right so often. Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly


thank you for caring, I appreciate it very much


Unfortunately, it was canceled recently by ITV. I really loved this show & will really miss it. Here is the article.


well that just sucks! They didn't even ask me. Although they rather wrapped it up pretty tight. I wouldm love seeing either one of them in a series alone


It's coming back! According to the articles I read, filming begins in September on a shortened season of three episodes. (No idea how long it will take to actually get to the US. That is presuming, of course, that it actually does cross the pond. Here's hoping! )

Spoilers S4: Based on the articles, the three part season/series will have Scott, Bailey and Gill. Glad to see Amelia Bullmore will be back! She's become my favourite part of the show.

Article containing casting information and spoilers about S4:

Article containing casting information and a general synopsis of the storyline, in addition to S4 spoilers:

"It's a real burden being right so often." Captain Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly
