How realistic is this?

I dont know anyone in the police force to ask this but I'm struck by the vast difference in responsibility these two main characters have in comparison to other police dramas.

Here we have two detective constables who almost seem to run the cases, interview murder suspects, appear in court etc as well as telling their chief what they think.

This is very different to other programmes. Law and Order UK for example it is detective sergeants in this sort of role. Midsummer Murders, Wexford, Frost, Morse it tends to be Inspectors or above with sergeants not much more than lackies, never mind constables who dont even get a look in.

Any views?

Quite enjoying it though. Suranne Jones' character does seem to sway rather quickly between detective brilliance and complete idiocy.


Like the shows that you mention, this is just an entertaining fantasy. However, I would say that the dialogue and acting are superb, as is the case with any Sally Wainwright production. I love the way that the cases are quite easily solved, leaving the main story about the lives of the women the main focus. The police interviews are really well done. I particularly liked the way that the male detective handled the suspect, polite, dead-pan and in control. A very good series, in my opinion.


Apart from the bleedin' obvious that this is a work of fiction, what sets this superb series from other police procedural dramas is in the creation process.

The original concept of the show was apparently a bit of a mish-mash, and the drafts were handed over to the show's writer Sally Wainwright who paired up with Diane Taylor, a former Detective Inspector from Greater Manchester Police, to create the programme. Given that there is an over-abundance of true cases to draw scenarios from, it makes sense to bring this type of script management to the table.

I have only viewed the first 4 episodes so far, and from my own summations, it would appear to have been very well researched, particularly the underlying sub-plot with the serial killer. Without giving away the plot, I liked the way they have weaved past and current U.K. police procedures into the story line and the
with the main suspect being both aware and able to take advantage of the weaknesses of the system, particularly the changes in technologies. A very realistic representation imho.


Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


He's like 22. While the leads of this show who are in their 50's and 60's but are still only Detectives?


That is realistic. Most people only advance so far. Younger people at high rank are likely fastream candidates. A lot of companies, the civil service, the Army and the Police have the upper level stuffed full of people who went to the best universities and were recruited on accelerated development plans.

There are people who started on 'the shop floor' and worked their way, but that's more likely in the private sector in fast growing companies.


The thing is....Scott and Bailey are in a special syndicate that investigates homicides, run by Godzilla.

They aren't rank and file detectives working out of CID.

So this set up means they have alot of fictional leeway to work within.


Please, please, it is "a lot," not "alot."


Who are these 50's and 60's DC's? They are about 32 and 49.


Scott looks about 50 and Bailey looks a lot older than 60.


Nonsense. You must be very young .


I know him well and he's younger than me, but not "very" young. It's not so unusual for younger people with good credentials to shoot up past older people in the public or private sectors. I know because I was in US federal law enforcement for 32 years. Aside from things like favoritism, most people are just grunts, unmotivated or unable to advance further. I'm not acquainted with the British system, but in the US, many detectives prefer to stay at lower ranks. They make a lot of overtime, which is not available to officers past the rank of sergeant in most American police departments. In fact, some Detective First Grades make more then their commanding officers.


Rachel Bailey looks a lot older than 60?

What planet are you on?

Babies kill TV shows!
