Day book

Hi I've just watched the end of series 5 and I can't remember them mentioning the day book as in where it was. Have a missed something or was it not answered? Thank you.


I just watched the final episode last night and I'm fairly sure they don't actually say what happened to it. I think I'll watch all 3 eps again because a few things don't add up.


I came here to the board to ask about this very thing.

Mitch said the killer must have gotten the details of the investigation to leak to the press because he had found/stolen the day book.

At some point Mitch's partner says, "The killer is under the same roof with us!" implying it was another cop who had found the book. And who else could have/would have found it on Mitch's desk?

I just watched these three episodes and I didn't see where this loose end was tied up. I hope someone can shed some light on it. I hate when stuff like this is left dangling.
