This aint Tokyo friends

Friends, movies like Still Walking or Tokyo Sonata depict the city (or Kanagawa) better,

Still, it's an interesting movie.

Take care friends.

im tokyo joe and i know tokyo


This film wasn't really about the city or city life, though, was it? It could have essentially taken place in any first world city. It just happened to be in Japan.

One Life to Leave ~ My lists:


They might be better films about Tokyo, but they are certainly not better films.

I don't think the film was trying to be about Tokyo at all, this is a film about these characters who happen to live in and around Tokyo. Actually the main character is not originally from Tokyo, she's from a small town and only moved to Tokyo a few years ago, so her outsider vision of Tokyo and Kiarostami's own outsider view match perfectly.


You can't possibly know every type of person in Tokyo.
This, as another replied, is a character study.
I've lived in L.A. all my adult life, and these characters are a perfect fit for people I could've known here.
And more to my point, I constantly come across people who's 'type' I have never seen before - like they're aliens who've been dropped on planet Earth.


I agree with the rest, the film is not about the city and is not making an effort to make a depiction of it.

What's your point?

Also, the only time the city is prominent (and not that much) is in the taxi sequence at the beginning of the film, which happens to take place INSIDE a moving vehicle.


interesting. I just realized that almost all the characters' scenes are "inside"....a car, a garage, an apartment, etc.
