
Oh my. The tone of this show is just so off what it once was. Sorry, weird random neighborhood in Seattle doesn't have anything on Storybrooke.

And really I was cheering when Jacinda burned the papers. I know the show is about hope and whatever, but Lucy has no idea about practicalities. And wow, how convenient to just climb under the construction site, find a piece of glass, and decide it's part of a magic slipper. Dang. Nice and easy.

And also toward the end when Jacinda had everyone re-sign the petition. Really? You meet these people presumably at random, and burn the petition sheets, yet somehow retain their contact information and manage to reach that many that quick again? Sure, why not.


This season has been cheesy - I want to look forward to Friday nights, but instead I'm dreading it as, how are they going to ruin my memory of Once now?


Agreed. This show has always had a healthy helping of cheese, but it's getting to be too much. I'm hoping they'll just end it this season, it's not like it's going to suddenly become good enough where it's better than the first six seasons.


Very worst part of this season, and that's saying something: having to fast-forward the DVR through ads for ABC's lachrymose hurlfest, The Good Doctor. Duck! Incoming projectile vomit!

Plus the promos for Marvel's Inhumans, and the intolerable little girl. It's like topping a . . . eh . . . tolerable hamburger with feces.
