Season 7 trailer

Ugh it looks awful. I know, no one's making me watch, but I'll still watch because I'm a completist. But I won't be reserving my Friday nights for this. I know I'm only one person, but I'll just watch a few days later so I don't contribute to the ratings. I feel like ABC is putting it out to pasture anyway, moving it to Fridays, and making the plot seem like an epilogue.


Well 7 years is a good run. It was a fun show but more for teens. A different atmosphere this season will be fun and I am guessing one more season after and that's it. ..


You could watch on Friday nights and it wouldn't affect the ratings one iota. The only homes that are counted in ratings are those households that report their viewing to Nielsen directly. If you're not a Nielsen participant, with a set meter or diary, they don't know what you're watching.
