Regina's Storyline

Regina's storyline has become so repetitive/redundant that it has become boring. Whats worse is that now we have to deal with two reginas in storybooke and one in the flashbacks, its too much airtime time on something we have seen so many times before on this show. Also, they keep recycling old emma storylines and giving them to her, which is annoying to people that pay attention to the show and can easily tell whats going to happen.

What makes it worse for me is that I really dislike Regina. I hate that they are trying to make her a hero because, first, regina without her evilness is boring and secondly, because she has mass murdered, raped, abused, neglected her own son (and so on) and never takes ownership for what she has done, always blames someone else (whether its snow, emma, rumple or her parents). Even now, instead of trying to change (like Hook), she just separates herself from the evil side of her, its a cop out and a coward move.

They want us to see her as a hero but I will never be able to, she has done too much evil to ever be good.


...they keep recycling old Emma story lines and giving them to her...
It's almost like Regina has made a shopping list of all the things Emma has and wants them too. Name one thing Emma has that Regina doesn't. Even the sword throw that was a thing between Charming and Emma was given to Regina.

And last night's episode really did poke holes in their "Regina doesn't know how to dance" things with them showing her learning how to sword fight. Like, the woman grew up with a mother that wanted her to be queen, there's no way Cora would let Regina ride a horse and not know how to properly ballroom dance.

Whats worse is that now we have to deal with two Regina's in Storybooke and one in the flashbacks, its too much airtime time on something we have seen so many times before on this show.
But last season we had too much Captain Swan/Captain Hook according to the anti's. (5B was literally supposed to be about Killian, but spent more time on Regina and Zelena).

Personally, I think they should've dropped the EQ flashbacks after season 2 when they decided to move on from the Regina vs Snow feud.


Even the sword throw that was a thing between Charming and Emma was given to Regina.

Ok so the next person on the show to throw a sword like that is 'stealing' too. I mean, this is part of storytelling with allusions or parallels. There's nothing wrong with Regina getting to do this. She was in the original scene with Charming & Snow. I thought it was great to see a move previously directed at Regina be used by her to protect the ones she used to want dead. Also, if the writers are trying to convey that they want back to a season 1 feel, why not use a move we had twice in season 1 by Emma and Charming?

If it worries people that small things like this will make Regina like Emma or take away from her, then I don't think they respect the differences in those characters enough or their ability to hold their own story.

Name one thing Emma has that Regina doesn't.

Living parents, living love interest, abuse free (past) relationship with her son, no evil doppleganger out to destroy everything she has, a savior title that we are yet to learn the consequences of, great tracking skills (different from Snow though), natural light magic, past as a dark one...


Agree with everything you said.I can't handle so much R/EQ,I skipped her scenes.This season is really boring so far.

Also, why would Emma promise Regina to keep her own parents save? It makes no sense.

"When you love someone, you know."--Captain Hook


I think all the redemption arcs are terrible on this show. Regina is just one of many. They wasted too much time with Hook last season, now they are back to focusing on Regina. Though, really the last two episodes have reasonably split up the screen time. If anything it was Emma that didn't have enough in the last episode.
