Season 1 Throwback Tidbit

Something I remembered from Season 1 - part of the original Dark Curse - and correct me if my memory is faulty.

Emma cannot die. That's the pickle Regina was in S1 - she had to take care of Emma without killing her (hence why she turned to the poisoned apple with Jefferson.) The Dark Curse hinges on her remaining alive.

So, we'll see how this plays into Emma's visions.


there's no relevance towards emma and the dark curse anymore though. i mean storybrooke isn't cursed anymore. the last dark curse was one merlin casted for some reason.


Yeah, but they are no longer under the Dark Curse Regina cast from season 1 anymore. They are, as far as I can remember, under the Dark Curse Snowing cast in season 3.


And don't forget about the third dark curse in season 5. Captain Dark One cast it after crushing Merlin's heart.


Yeah, but that one only affects those that went to Camelot to "save" Emma, so I personally don't count that one.
