Deadline is reporting that Unforgettable has been cancelled by A&E and they are not going to shop it around to any other networks.

Is this it? Is it finally dead? I hope they put a stake through it's heart, bury it, and salt the earth this time to make sure this show stays dead.

I actually liked the show overall but enough is enough. The last season was sub-par imo.



They will bring it back. Maybe not next year or the following but im wagering anywhere between 5 and 30yrs because apparently....NO SHOW DIES FOREVER!!!!!


I might just have to go back and watch the first season so I can put this show to the grave with a decent lol memory of what it was like when it was good.


I Liked the show ! shame that it has ended !


I wish they kept the sister's murder storyline and the format of the show from season 1. After season 2 it just got too weird when they became Major Crimes and had a fancy looking office. I get that they could not have Carrie obsess too much about her sister's murder but it was like she completely forgot (pun intended) that she was murdered and the focus became too much about Carrie and her sexual nature with Al. I did not like Season 4 too much either. It was just way over the top and it got sillier with each episode in my opinion.



First they ended The Glades on a cliffhanger with the main character getting shot, and now Unforgettable ends the same way? It's like A&E enjoys pissing off their viewers.


This season saw Carrie become a compulsive uncontrolled gambler, a slut, a tease, more focused on her memory than pretty much anything else, a braggart among other things and those damned obnoxious pouty lips that kept getting in the way of her lines. The writers are who should be FIRED for what they did to this show.

