Ugh really?

Ok so I really liked the rebirth trailer and enjoyed season 1 despite its departure from the rebirth premises and the fact that Baraka looked like a recycled Orc from lotr but this season is terrible, the script and dialogue destroy any hopes of this being taken seriously. The F-word seems to be thrown in for gratuity's sake and for the most part everyone is going around stating exactly what's happening to the point of extreme repetiveness. Oh and many of the effects that could be done practically are instead done with cheap cg this feels like a mediocre film school movie.



Why? They strayed from Rebirth because it was crap and Ed Boon didn't actually like it.


2013, 2014, 2015, LOL

I'll break this little pattern here to say "yes," Rebirth sucked, funny that no one noticed the gratuitousness that accompanied that massive departure from the source material. It's also funny that so many people want to see that version, because by all logic, no one should. It would be like if they made a pilot where Harry Potter travelled to Los Angeles and became a hard bitten detective, nicknamed "Flash" for his scar, he secretly solves crimes using magic, unbeknownst to his lay about partner, who thinks he does all the work. "Muggle & Flash" Police Procedural, Buddy Cop Comedy... Budding Romance?

Anyway, it's the blanket embracing of Rebirth that makes me think that the vast majority of Mortal Kombat "fans" have to be casual at best. You would think given the recent addition of story modes people would have a better handle on what Mortal Kombat is trying to be about.



I'd disagree somewhat, but true, they are worlds apart in terms of quality. Season 2 was definitely shooting for the right direction.
