
I really thought I was going to hate Oska for most of the series. When he was introduced in the beginning I thought "really??? This guy is going to be in the whoooooole series?? =___=" They really wrote him as a spoiled arrogant jerk pretty well!

Oh how I take it all back. I fell in love with Oska. I think because like many characters in this story he felt human. He was not without faults, he was not always likeable, but they wrote Oska with real sincerity. His kindness and charming interactions with Ra Im made me laugh, and his struggle with Yoon Seul was one of my favorite side romances in a series. Overall he just really won my heart over! I thought Oska-oppa deserved his own thread. <3


I loved him too. You are not alone. :)


Yup I agree with you, First I dint like him but later on he became my favorite.


Exactly on the mark. In the first episode he was written as a jerk, but all the characters modified our first impressions of them. Terrific cast. Had seen Phillip Lee in FAITH as the royal physician 1300 years ago and seeing him in modern dress as a stunt director of action films was a nice touch.

About the only thing I could dislike was the title SECRET GARDEN. Finally I realized it referred to the Enchanted Bistro when they were lost in the woods on Jeju Island. Still, 'secret' didn't work for me.


I don't think Oska's character changed until much later (at least, not until after his flailing career and the reappearance of Seul in his life caused him to genuflect).

I think that once we're acquainted with Joo Won's level of condenscending arrogance, we can see how Oska, being brought up in the same family COULD have been just as big of an azzhurl.

Seeing Joo Won and Seul's snobbery in action, Osak's narcissism looks cute:

Fan screens: "We live you Oska!"
Oska: "Thank you. I love me too!"

His picture perfect smile that he spa midrant whenever his fans or the press are around.

His non-selfish behavior toward his younger cousin. Awesome character.

Yes, he knows he's as much if a catch as an eligible bachelor as JooWon, but I think his rubbing shoulders a bit with the commoners (his fans) and needing to rely on what they think of him to keep his pop star status creates a kinder, gentler, slightly more considerate and aware than JooWon.

Oh yeah, plus his self awareness that his Fame is not totally based on his singing talent probably kept him a bit closer to than ground than JooWon. (I found the Actor's singing enjoyable when they were not purposely trying to make him sound bad).

Speaking of the soundtrack, I actually bought the "sit ups" scene music from iTunes even though I have no idea what the lyrics are saying. The vocals are AMAZING!
