MovieChat Forums > Femme Fatales (2011) Discussion > FEMME FATALES: 06 'Girls Gone Dead'

FEMME FATALES: 06 'Girls Gone Dead'

This has been the worst episode so far, imo.

It just felt mean-spirited for no reason at all. But, the main reason it didn't work is because of how much it strayed from the supposed theme of this series: the femme fatale.

These girls were NOT femme fatales. A femme fatale never plays the victim. Everything she does, whether its good or bad, is done by her own choice. The "sorority girls" in this episode could of been wearing name tags labeled "Victim"; they were even given the laugh-out-loud excuse that a woman's brain isn't fully developed in her late teens and early twenties, so, she shouldn't have to be held accountable for her own decisions.

Yes, there was no sex at all (watch closely during the "lesbian sex scene"; the girls aren't even really kissing each other), but, that is not the reason why this episode is the worst in my opinion. The reason is because of something I've brought up earlier: the fact that violence trumps eroticism. The killing scenes were carried out with such glee and entitlement it was almost sickening. Whether you like/hate/don't care about the Girls Gone Wild phenomenon, you have to concede that the actions from the leads in this episode were not warranted (unless you agree with the "underdeveloped brain" theory). It was spiteful violence for the sake of spiteful violence.

Funny how a shot of a woman's breasts is considered objectified ...unless there's blood being splattered across them.


Wow, somebody needs to get out of their parent's basement. This show gets better every week and I thought "Girls Gone Dead" was dark, fatalistic and downright nihilistic. I didn't see the twist coming and I absolutely loved seeing The Bachelor as the man who gets his just deserts from these girls who outwitted and outplayed this master manipulator. Seems to me the Girls Gone Wild-like maestro of this has made a career out of exploiting women like much of the late night fare certain people on this board seem to relish in. And these girls are able to turn the tables on being exploited. And seeing Dean Haglund from The X-Files made it clear this isn't your father's late night programming. The last few weeks have completely surprised me, including this week's which was a ghost story. I'm not sure where this show will go into the week's to come, but you can count on me...and my girlfriend...being there to watch. Which is more than I can probably say of some of the others who can't seem to wrap their heads around what this show clearly is which is culty, cool and fun.



