this is porn right?

i just want to make sure i'm on the same page ,this show is a softcore porno ??? the late late night type stuff ?


Well it's Cinemax after dark, so yeah pretty much soft corn porn. They try to dress it up with a half ass plot, and questionable acting, but yeah you guessed right. I like some episodes, others not so much. These types of shows are meant to be guilty pleasures, but I would prefer if they put more effort into it. Truth be told I think Tanit Phoenix's Lilith should be involved more so in the plot of the shows, and actually have her presented as the demon Lilith which they've slowly on occasion alluded to.


ok just checking cause that was the impression it gave ..i got into this show a while back called "strike back" it reminded me a little bit of black hawk down .so i was tuning into it .then they got into the sex scenes and i thought damn this is probably one of those cheesy cinemax soft core porn's bummer cause it seemed like it was a good show ..i like my porn and my action movies separate .that's just me


ref: i like my porn and my action movies SEPARATE. Oh, finally someone I totally agree with!


Strike Back is actually a very good show, Much better than this piece of shit.


Strike Back is not softcore, It originally started on Sky tv in the uk.



It is softcore porn, However they were able to trick mainstream actors into doing it.
