MovieChat Forums > Rob (2012) Discussion > Okay, THAT scene was really funny...!

Okay, THAT scene was really funny...!

When Rob adjusts the picture and knocks over the candles and basically manhandles the Grandma in a classic slapstick moment!

The rest of the show... eh, not as bad as the previews led me to believe it would be. I didn't even plan to watch it I must've clicked by it and nothing else was on. (I only get 5 channels anyway.)


The last 30 seconds of the second episode was hilarious too!

OMG! (it's not what you think)


Agreed. I think the show is just barely okay, but the mother's brother is the hilarious and easily the best part.


That was the highest peak of the episode and it set the bar pretty's unfortunate that the rest of the episode wasn't as good. Especially how they joked about it. I would not be laughing if i saw my husband humping my grandma. Even if it was an accident.


I loved the scene where he turned into a carrot. Also when he turned into the stapler it was a great moment in acting history.


Rob said in an interview that
the original scene had him knocking off jesus off of the wall
and then hammering him back onto the wall/cross.


But I guess that was to funny for crappy network cbs to air.


"But I guess that was to funny for crappy network nbc to air. "

1) It's "too" not "to"

2) Its CBS not NBC


1) It's "It's" not "Its".
