racists show?

you think if it was a Latino marrying into an all white bread family, and the Latino guy was the brunt of the jokes people would be on these boards yelling that the show is racist? Just something to think about.


Rob Schneider is half Filipino therefore not "white" and half Jewish therefore not "bread"... thus your comment is wholly irrelevant.
Oh, and he is married to a Latina in real life so he's drawing from personal experience.


Making fun of anyone because of race, creed, religion or skin color is still racism. This show is racist against whites and regardless of what you say about Mr. Schneider's origins, it is racism pure and simple!!!


I do not see how this si racist at all. These shows are done all the time. Look at the George Lopez show. How many Hispanic jokes on there?

Even Mike and Molly, watch that show and how much do they talk about fat people.

This is nothing new.


Regardless of what I say about his origins?... I simply stated his origins, didn't "say" anything about them... he's not white, certainly not "white bread"... he is mixed, impure and complicated!!!


No its not!!! LOL Racism is a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. Unless you show one's belief in their superiority over another due to skin tone you are way off the mark. It's like, just cause some kid thinks a "lady has chinky eyes" so he can remember which customer ordered which pizza doesn't mean he doesn't have Asian friends or even a Asian girlfriend or thinks he's superior to them. At most he is only insensitive and oblivious. People need to get out of their glass houses. I swear, this affirmation needy culture being born in America is insane.


SkiBumTim, thanks for enlightening others to the ACTUAL definition of racism! =D


People complain about stupid things all the time. And the white guy on the show is the lead which makes the show work.


There's nothing wrong with racial humor so long as it's funny. The problem with "Rob" is that it's not funny. Don't care if people scream "dats raciss", so long as I find it entertaining.


I'm first generation Mexican-American. I married a white guy... when we saw the previews for this show, my husband quickly said "Hey! They made a show about my life!" So, no. This is not offensive to me in the least bit, and he's not offended either.

You've got red on you.


And to the OP, how do you interpret All in the Family?


All in the family!!! you dare mention that classic in the same breath as this junk! All in the family was not racist - it made fun of racism you moron.

This show is a little bit racist...a little bit...


any show with 1 or more ethnic characters is racist. that's why tv should be only white people :P


for reals tho all the people and probably op ( saying its racist) are white. i would bet everything i own on that!


I'm 100% mexican and I didn't feel offended or anything, the show was pretty bad but nothing really offensive.

One thing that sucked is that americans again choosed a spanish actor to interpret a mexican, but whatever they use italians to interpret cubans and cubans to interpret italians.


"All in the family!!! you dare mention that classic in the same breath as this junk! All in the family was not racist - it made fun of racism you moron.

This show is a little bit racist...a little bit..."

For the record, I don't think either show is at all racist. Nobody is comparing the quality of All in the family to Rob, but the comparison about race is completely in bounds. How you can say this show is a little bit racism and All in the family just made fun of race is absurd. AITF had a deeper message and is better written, but it had a character that was blatantly prejudice and a "lovable bigot." And that's not my interpretation of him, that's every internet description of the show. The point is, Rob doesn't even have a character that levels the bigotry Archie displayed. But once again, I love AITF and think Rob is funny and might have potential, and I think neither show is racist, it's all comedy.

"As you can see, they smell great" Andy from Parks and Recreation


ALL IN THE FAMILY was NOT racist. Archie Bunker was a racist. He was an idiot. He was intentionally stupid. Carol O'Connor has said this many times. The character was created to make fun of how stupid racism is...wake up ROC.

This show is a little bit racist. He is shocked that Latinos eat avacado dip? Huh? The gardner/landscape architect stuff. That he marries a latino girl and suprise her family is latino? Again...huh?

But this show is just bad...and part of its awfulness happens to be racist.


"The character was created to make fun of how stupid racism is...wake up ROC."

Maybe you should pay a little attention,I stated AITF is not racist, so I get that AITF is not racist, and that they're making fun of racism, But Rob is attempting albeit without as deep a message and less quality writing, to do the same thing. Nobody on Rob is blatantly racist, they're are just naive and a little bit inconsiderate with dealing each other. Rob is obvious nervous, stressed to impress and might not have anything in common with a Latino family, so it comes across awkward, it's meant to be. All the things you mention were jokes based on stereotypes. And making a joke (emphasis on joke) based on a stereotype, makes you racist, then you're naive, cause the majority of the world is probably racist. Just because one show has better writing doesn't mean you can distinguish between whats racist and what's comedy, unless there's blatant discrimination or hate. Which I don't think is the case.

"As you can see, they smell great" Andy from Parks and Recreation


Well that is a different point. Making fun of an ethnic stereotype might be racist, but not necessarily...Good point. I appolgize.


Im Mexican and i thought it was hilarious, so no i don't see racism. All i saw was jokes about things that actually happen with Mexicans.


I'm Mexican I live in Mexico, near the border with the US, like five miles away, so I receive the antenna signal of US channels like CBS. I watched the show, and I don't think is racist. It's not racist to talk about the habits and ways and customs of any race or country. Greetings.
