Why so much hate?

People seem to really, really hate this movie. I personally like this movie (even if it's unoriginal), but it's one of my rare guilty pleasures in terms of cinema. Anyway, I like it better than any other movie in the Young Adult Action genre that has been grossly developing in the last years.

This movie has a lot of bad traits, that's for sure, and it probably should not get the IMDB review rating it previously had (though the current 6.8 seems quite fair - and IMDB's first ratings are usually quite inflated). But, I must say that most of its faults are usual faults found in about any other movie of this intention. Why so much hate? It's like people seem actually surprised at this movie, even if it's faults are nothing unusual. Or that they disliked it because it's another one Hunger Games trend-inspired movie.


There is alot of love/hate for this film. I have heard a lot of critics say that Shailene Woodley was not right for the role of Tris. I have mixed feelings about whether she was the right actress for that role. I also did not like Kate Winslet as the villain but did like the guy who played 4. Alot of my friends thought the movie was just very confusing. I liked the film but liked the book better. Hopefully the next films will live up to expectation.


The guy that plays Four/Tobias is called Theo James


Hate makes the world go 'round.

>>>>>Happy dance!




I hope you're joking. Hate does nothing but destroy


It was interesting for like the first half hour but it really fell apart and the ending was brutally trite and predictable.


I suspect the "haters" are little more than fanatical Hunger Games fans who fear the Divergent books (and movies) will somehow steal popularity from the Hunger Games.



No one is afraid that Divergent will steal popularity from the Hunger Games. If anything, I'd say people are mad that Divergent is trying to capitalise off of the Hunger Games' popularity.


Yes. And the blatant transparency of that, the fact that this series and franchise were so obviously designed and manufactured to be a cash grab riding the coattails of THG's popularity, just makes people want to dislike it.

The fact is, if these movies were made better and could stand on their own as something more than just "another one of these movies," it would be a different story. But what's most disappointing is the studio's and filmmakers' seeming lack of interest in putting any effort into doing that.

>>>>>Happy dance!


Oh, the irony of that statement considering how people bitched about the hunger games ripping off the Japanese movie Battle Royal which is based on a manga back in 2012 when the first movie came out. But this is far less similar than those two yet people are saying it's just riding on the coattails of the hunger games popularity. Also to the people saying it's badly acted by Shailene Woodley I would say watch the second one as her acting is amped up with her ptsd and guilt which I do admit is similar to catching fire but you're criticizing the first one not insurgent which I can admit is kinda structured like catching fire in some ways more than the first one.

The internet, where religions come to die.


Hunger Games is Ok. Divergent is awful.


People seem to really, really hate this movie. I personally like this movie (even if it's unoriginal), but it's one of my rare guilty pleasures in terms of cinema. Anyway, I like it better than any other movie in the Young Adult Action genre that has been grossly developing in the last years.

There are people who hate everything. They feel that everything that doesn't measure up to their own personal standards is garbage that nobody should be allowed to see.

This is a THREADED message board. Please reply to the proper post!


"They feel that everything that doesn't measure up to their own personal standards is garbage that nobody should be allowed to see."

You are so right! People tend to feel that if they don't like something, no one should like it or be able to see it. They can't stand that everyone has their own likes and dislikes. They need to get over themselves and realize that things aren't that serious especially since it's not real life. They tend to be less concerned with the seriousness of real life issues going on in the world.


Same here. This movie could have been better but I like it. I guesd because kids these days like movies that are totally brainless so the fact they had to think is the reason for the hate? They no longer think since their phone does everything for them so using that part of their brain is too strenuous.


Funny considered this movie aims for millennials

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Because it's just not very good. I'm actually surprised, though, that a lot people seem to realize that. This movie is no worse (or better) than, say, the hunger games Or maze runner.


Another idiot asking the same repetitive question. Why are you still breathing you Darwinian Troglodyte. If you cant see a pro or con to anything you see in life then you lack the ability to reason.
