Megan Massacre...

Much better treat for the eyes than Kat.


but shes a bigger tool.


No one is a bigger tool than Kat Von Diva!


I'm currently watching the show now, and while I have a feeling it's going to have a lot of the same drama LA Ink did, I definitely am liking Megan way more than any girl on LA Ink. She doesn't have near the attitude or arrogance that the bitches on Kat's show did.

But then again, this is only the first episode...


After watching 2 episodes, I think she is a sweet girl, and definitely VERY easy on the eyes.


She's absolutely adorable! Her and Chris Torres are so cute together.

"You smell like pine needles, and have a face like sunshine"


She reminds me of actress Mia Kirshner...great lookin' gal!

"AmurderMERICA...who's runnin' the planet? We runnin' the planet!"


She's WAYY less of a tool than Kat. Kat was so annoying. Megan seems a bit more down to earth.


She's a doll, I really like's Jessica that drives me crazy along with Robear and Ami of all people.

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree"
