MovieChat Forums > NY Ink (2011) Discussion > Megan Massacre's Eyebrows...

Megan Massacre's Eyebrows...

She would be a total babe if it weren't for those hideous drawn-in eyebrows. Why do so many punk/goth/rocker girls think that it looks cool or even good, it looks retarded. I love her edge, the tats, the clothes, piercings, everything, but she needs to let those brows grow in


I totally agree with you. They remind of the Mexican gangster girls that draw their eyebrows on with a Sharpie.


Yeah, totally agree. And the episode where they get smudged and she gets all pissed just made me laugh. What a frickin joke.
Just grow your damn eyebrows in!


Haha, totally, and talk about overreacting, she drew on his face with a marker first and then he smudged her Hot Topic/Chola Brows and she acted like he raped her.
