MovieChat Forums > NY Ink (2011) Discussion > Ami needs to fire Jessica

Ami needs to fire Jessica

First she goes off bragging about her degree..

Now she wants to be a tattoo artist..

First rule, don't piss off the guy you want to teach you about tattoos. Especially if you were hired as a manager and he already has an apprentice.


Jessica is incredibly annoying. She acts like a spoiled, little kid and often gripes about people treating her like one. Her degree is irrelevant to her position, but she probably entered the job thinking that she'd throw a curveball at Ami James.


She could be gone next season, since Chris is just fired from the shop on the season finally. There was a cameo at the end where she called Chris that if he wanted an apprentice. So that could be the end of her working there at the shop.


I don't know--producers usually have the upperhand on who they want gone and who they want to stick around regardless of what the shop owner or individual would originally want.

I wouldn't say it's a cameo so much as a scene.


I think it's clear that NY ink is learning from the mistakes LA ink have made with the likes of Aubrey and dare i say Pixie working out front. A degree isn't needed to run the studio floor, but they may have thought a strong, articulate person was needed. You need a fairly large set of balls as a woman to work in a tattoo studio but it isn't all about attitude. You need to know what's good for the business and how to assert yourself, rather than be a complete airhead, giggling, running around creating drama and talking crap. Those people never last. From what i gather, she has worked in a bank before this? That said, I don't like her at all but i'm looking at it from both sides. If i had to work with her in my studio, she'd be locked inside the autoclave after 10 minutes.


UGH I wish they would fire her. She's so incredibly annoying and yes, she does act like a spoiled brat. She sees everyone else getting all of the attention and all of a sudden wants that too.


We, the audience are always being manipulated by these "ink-soaps".

I could care less what she wants to do with her scripted life.

