MovieChat Forums > NY Ink (2011) Discussion > the only thing ruining it...

the only thing ruining it...

Is Robear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant take this guy, he is making it hard to watch the show...Yea sure Chris is a d&ck but I can deal with it...Robear should be put on an island with GaGa and Snooki because thats how high on the annoyance meter he ranks...I hope this guy does not last long...I wanna go get a tattoo there but I might punch him in the face just for existing if I ever see him in person!

Please Ami for the sake of my ears get rid of this guy!


agreed. I actually like Chris the most on the show, Robear is just acting like a bitch. The way he and Megan reacted when Chris smeared her eyebrow was so ridiculous.
money over bitches


Me too, Tim and Chris are my favorites on the show. I usually love Ami but he's sort of acting a bit douchy like Kat, I hope that changes.

I fckng HATE Robear, that Floor Manager Queen needs a good bitch slap and I hope it's Chris who gives it to him.

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree"


I say use your real eyebrows if you don't want them smeared.........


gotta agree, wtf is his(it's) story' must be the pc equality commission flexing their muscles...

*beep* off you *beep* *beep*


hes not as bad as that manager chick, she is annoying as hell!

James Coughlin: If we get jammed up, we're holding court on the street.



He is sooooooo much worse than her. I really can not stomach him. Oh and Chris has totally grown on me. Robear and Megan are definitely at the bottom of my like list.


The one Ami needs to get rid of is Jessica. The way she acts and speaks to him is so unbelievably disrespectful. No boss should put up with that.


But he treats her like crap, she's just trying to do her job. I have a friend who's a manager of a tattoo shop and she's constantly annoyed at how he handles her.

When she was watching Megan tattoo? He yells across the shop "Get back to your desk" or whatever, that was totally unprofessional, he started with her in front of a customer, one from Inked magazine no less. If anything bad would have come from that happening, it would have been his fault, not hers. Why the hell does he care if she watches someone tattoo? If the artist doesn't mind, he shouldn't either.

He obviously doesn't like her, so just fire her and be done with it.

Big girls were not built to walk the straight and narrow


I agree about Robear.

Jessica can be a pain, however Robear is a real drama queen and over all bitch. (and I'm saying this as a gay man, myself).

That being said, if Ami where smart, he'd be using Robear as an asset. For years now, Chelsea Muscle Queens* have been going tattoo crazy.

Ami should be tapping into any market he can for business.

*Chelsea Muscle Queen: gay man with a very good body who resides in Chelsea, a neighborhood with a large gay population. Think "West Hollywood" if you are west coast.



I like all of them.


Disagree. Robear is the best on the show. Now don't piss him off or he'll become Robeast!!!

If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!
