MovieChat Forums > NY Ink (2011) Discussion > Ami Marital Status?

Ami Marital Status?

I read something where it was said Ami has been married 5 or 6 times. Is this true? Is he still married now? Because on his wikipedia site it says he's divorced with a child but then I hear conflicting things about his love life so I was wondering if anyone else knows.


I wouldn't doubt it. He seems like the type who sees something he wants, decide to sell himself as a great guy, treat the girl awesomely, rush into marriage, and then turn into a complete moody jerk and she divorces him.
I mean, look at the way he acts. One day he's super nice, overly so, the next he's an immature baby. I honestly think he's bipolar.

TOP 5:
1 Dominic Monaghan
2 John Cho
3 Esteban Powell
4 Callum Rennie
5 Misha Collins


I use to LOVE Ami and thought his personality was awesome on Miami Ink....something about NY Ink is making me HATE him! He's a moody pissy bastard! I think the way the treated Torres was terrible, he wasn't that bad of a guy, but Ami treated him like crap the entire time and he expected Torres to not be disgruntled?

I agree Magenta, he seems the type that woos you until he gets you and then treats you like crap when he is forced to live with you everyday, yup bi-polar!

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree"



I think that Ami, invented the word TSURIS.


Ami's a big personality, but a part of that tough guy attitude is you can't easily forgive or change your mind.

Torres was a total dick, and if he randomly walked into my shop, I don't even think I could talk to him long enough to look through his portfolio. I know lots of guys like him in this industry, and in my experience anyone who demands respect isn't worth it - his tattoos didn't speak as loud as his mouth and his posturing. Not to mention, skipping out on work or stealing is the only ways you can really get in trouble, and he did/tried both. Every absolutely amazing artist I know are usually the most humble guys you'll ever meet.


No, Torres is a huge dick to Ami now, they were friends and Ami treated him like crap. He's a Brooklyn boy and wasn't going to take it. Look at how many people Ami fights with? I like Ami but lets face it, he's a moody bastard who has a kiss my ass attitude.

The fact that everyone who is around Torres seems to love him, including Marky Ramone and everyone around Ami walks on eggshells says a lot.

Joon: "you're out of your tree" Sam: "it's not my tree"
