MovieChat Forums > The Magic of Belle Isle (2012) Discussion > MF's character written for a white guy?

MF's character written for a white guy?

Do you think the writers had a white guy in mind when they wrote this script? The guy's name, Monte, a writer of cowboy stories with a white hero...I just felt that was the original idea, and they cast MF against type.


Aha! I was right! They were initally thinking of George Clooney. See:


Morgan Freeman is black? Are you sure?


Yes, they were looking for a white guy. Same with Shawshank Redemption. But since he's Irish, he can pull it off.


I get it, like when Sean Connery can play a Russian submarine captain because he's a Scot!



wow! you have a wonderfully great imagination. I never thought of that but you are right. Monte would have loved you! :)


Morgan Freeman was mystical in this little sleeper,I do admire his work..because he "always gives me a warm feeling" during the last difficult 20 years of my life.
I said hello to Mr.Freeman on the street one day,many years ago and we actually spoke for a good ten minutes..............subject............The Unforgiven!!!!
