Did it bother anyone else...

That morgan freeman's character, a supposed veteran writer could only type with one finger at a time?


It was most likely to show that he was REAL oldschool.
Some writers used to type like that.


His left arm was paralized from the car wreck that cost him the use of his legs. One finger was probably easier when turning the cap lock key off and on while typing.


Hey, I've been a "hunter-pecker" for 40 years and can do about 40 wpm.

Not too shabby.


Not at all.

I would guess there are many out there like this.


I thought he typed fast for someone using one finger. It wasn't like he was hunting for the letters either. He clearly knew where they were.


I think what bothered me more was how he couldn't master texting being a seasoned writer. The qwerty keyboard is universal.


For some men, it's the big fingertips.



I took typing as a class in the early 80's...
We had to hit the keys in sync w/ the 1/2 half to full second beats of the music of orchestra records the teacher played:
click ........ click ........ click ........ click ........

But in the back row were the few 2nd year students:

It drove me KRAYZEE !


Where can I find the definition of 'Dictionary' ?
