
that a film like this gets the go ahead!

its just so BAD.

1) acting. i'd comment about this if there was acting to criticise.

2) action. lamest i have seen in a long time.

3) plot. Watch SoA instead.

My fav part. When the new sherrif (sherrif junior) says "great job in there!" to his fellow police buddy despite the fact that the cops did BEEP all! I mean they did BEEP all ALL FILM.

I wish it was a badder film cuz then it woulda been funny, instead its stuck in that horrible 5/10 rating (which is being kind).


Who seriously watches direct to DVD action flicks for the acting and plot?

I felt the action was more realistic compared to other films that are heavily choreographed.

I'm sorry but I rather watch this film 100 times before I watch that garbage S.o.A, cause I'm tired of this current BS where white criminals are cool and entertaining while most minority criminals are just bad and waiting for some white knight to put them in their place.

A boat that floats on water can also sink in it.


Agreed on your first point, disagree on the second!

These action flicks are just for fun. Nobody expects much from them other than plenty bad-assery moments, some painful fight scenes and some humour.

This movie delivers on those expectations awesomely in my humble opinion. If you like these B-Action flicks, then Recoil does not disappoint.

SOA is also a really good show! One of the better ones I would say. I don't think it glorifies white criminals or degrades minority criminals at all...

The MC itself was founded with racism (only whites), but the show details other clubs and gangs, that deal with SAMCRO often. These other groups are usually Spanish, black and Chinese (also Irish, and some actual white supremacists).

Of course our protaganists generally succeed over the villains, but our protaganists are not all white, and our villains are not all minorities.

World War 2 Movie timeline - The List!
