looks surprisingly horrible

David Hornsby writes & acts in "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia", yet he's in this piece of *beep* Odd. I just watched the preview and it almost looks like a parody of a *beep* sitcom, except it isn't.


This show will be going up against NBC's second most-watched "Parks & Recreation." Want to guess which one will have more viewers? It will probably win its time slot in the fall. "American Idol" will be airing its weekly "results" episode at the same time in the spring...


well it's on cbs, and they still use mind controlling subliminal messages, so you're probably right.

Rickity Cricket sucks. can't stand the dudes voice. if you were excited about a show starrting him, Dave Foley, and Johnny Drama, I dont even know what to say about you.

kinda mad Rhys Darby is on it, but i aint mad he's getting paid


Funny how CBS's "mind controlling subliminal messages" only seem to work during prime time. Fallon can't get do a monologue or an interview, and yet he's beating Ferguson AND got an Emmy nomination.

I liked the "Gentleman" books, although there wasn't really much of a story to them. I guess I'm more about the premise of a show than its actors. I never laughed once at "Doogie Howser", but I love the "Barney Stinson" character on HIMYM. I cringed most at Jim Parsons' character in "Garden State", which is saying something for that movie, but I love "Dr. Sheldon Cooper" on TBBT, even though both characters are defined by their obsession with translating between English and Kling-on. Of course, it's possible that I'm simply a victim of CBS's "mind controlling subliminal messages." They have had quite a string of shows that I've liked. They may have had some pre-existing contract with the author when the books came out.



agreed, and David Hornsby created this show or was at least part of creating it. He's great as Cricket, not sure if I'll like him being a normal good person who isnt a street rat, but yeah him, Drama, Gail the Snail, Murray.... i'm in!!


I have some hope for it, because of Sunny, but not much!
