Fan theories



It is a fantasy movie, like "If I Stay". So you can take the entire "I've created a person through my writing" part as real. The movie is meant as a metaphor, it is not really The Matrix.


I got one for you. The girl Calvin meets at the end ISN'T Ruby. She's just a girl that Calvin saw some time, so when he created Ruby, he used her image (without realizing she was a real person).

Ruby (if she still exists) no longer looks like Zoe Krazan. Because part of being free means that she is no longer confined to the appearance Calvin envisioned for her (Which was based on HIS idea of physical perfection).

If You Slept With Jesus Christ & are 100%Proud of it Copy This & Make it Your Sign.


Oooooooh that's a good one 👍 Makes sense because in the book Paul Dano wrote he said that he changed her looks in it, and if you look at it from a bird's eye-view the book would be what we just witnessed in the movie and she wouldn't look like that...

And that it really was a case of 'maybe we go to the same coffee shop or something and we've seen eachother around' that the new girl in the end talks about, and that is who (subconsciously) laid the foundation for the book/movie version of Ruby

And it is a theory that you can't make up people's faces in your dreams it's always someone your memory have registered from somewhere, if just from a tv commercial or someone taking the same bus as you, and as Ruby first came to Paul Dano's character in a dream that would make a whole lot of sense

I'm gonna refuse you an offer you can't make
