Clingy Ruby

At one point, Ruby becomes "overly" clingy - constantly snuggling up to Calvin, not letting go, and whimpering if he so much as leaves the room. Um... why would this be a problem?

If some cute girl in striped panties and an oversized dress shirt were acting that way towards me, I'd be in heaven and wouldn't ever want it to end.


I think your comment is a little short sighted. I mean, initially, I suppose it would be flattering and my ego would be purring but, after time, it would become irritating. Eventually, you need your own space, your own time to do the things you want to do - time to see your friends perhaps. Becoming hysterical because he let go of her hand is a few steps beyond clingy.


Everyone needs some space once in a while.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


My girlfriend was like that the other night. I was playing Shogun 2 and she does this thing where she sits on my lap, facing me and then trying to cover my view of the game whilst kissing me.

I swear I wanted to throw her off the balcony.


Human beings get sated. That is all. You do the math after that.


Standards and expectations have changed over time. Several decades ago, women that stayed close and attended to their husbands, and declaring their love for them all the time would have been called sweet, affectionate and loyal. Today, when people talk so much about the importance of "personal space", they are just "clingy". The same is true for men. A man that took on an unexciting but stable job to support his family used to be described as "responsible", but women today might call him dull and lacking ambition.

It is perhaps not by coincidence that in the film, Calvin was using a manual typewriter. He was like a man from the turn of the 20th Century rather than the present time. If women today talk in a stilted manner as if they have come from a Hemingway novel (like Catherine from A Farewell to Arms or Maria from For Whom the Bell Tolls), declaring their love in long paragraphs, men would probably call them clingy and push them away too.


Surely you can't be serious lol


Written by someone who obviously never had a clingy girlfriend. Believe me - it get's old real fast. And it strangely doesn't really matter that much, how cute she is. Even if she's Zoe Kazan-level cute. If a girl acts like that for one afternoon or day - awesome. If she acts like that all the time - nightmare.


Dr. Rosenthal suggested to him to get a dog, so that Calvin becomes more social, but Calvin did not know how to properly handle Scotty. We did find out later, that he was equally as emotionally distant with Lila.

So, when in desperation he writes Ruby never wants to leave, he forgets Screenwriting 101, one does not only need a character to be motivated, but also be correctly placed as if (s)he were a real human being. So Ruby only acted as instructed, and yes, this includes not being able to go to the bathroom privately because (s)he wants to see you.

That is never normal. It was an important point when his brother told him he doesn't know how women work, and we've also seen he couldn't handle conflict.

I live in the Gordius Apartment Complex, my interior designer was M.C. Escher.
