Clémence Poésy

A beautiful, talented, and fluently bi-lingual woman like her will appear in many English-language films in the future - I'm "a hopin'" !

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I'm a fan of her in English speaking movies, and I hope to see her in more. I'm trying to learn French but it's too complicated, so I'm definitely gonna need some subtitles when I see her in French films/shows. haha She's also very gorgeous. I'm sure she will go far in her career. I watched this movie on Netflix and now I've bought the DVD. Even though I hated the ending because I thought it was really sad, I enjoyed the film because of her and Michael Caine, and also, France looks very beautiful. I even watched another French film after watching this. haha I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of her movies/shows. She's now one of my favorite actresses.

Error: You don't have enough space for an awesome Ella sig.


I originally watched Last Love on a Netflix DVD. The movie is very well made, in all aspects. After the tragedies that France has recently undergone, France is too strong a nation to surrender to the evil that exists within the land. I say that from my French/Southern Ireland heritage!

And, yes, film is not going away even though famous Brit cinematographer Roger Deakins had said all his future "films" will be digital.

I'm betting Hollywood is trying to lure Clémence to the US to make a movie (or, hopefully movies!) here. She is so talented and capable of showing so many believable emotions that she has a tremendous future as a performer.

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