american accent?

does Michael Caine really do an American accent in this? I gotta see it to believe it


Same Michael Caines accent


He's doing an accent.

I'm not sure anyone could truely describe it as american


Same Michael Caines accent

lol touche.

problem was they had to match the kids with the parents.
Plus if they had lived in england the whole "visiting" thing would have been easier.

I think they should have told caine to only try a little with an accent rather than hamm it up. He could have just said he was from the UK but moved to the US when he met the wife


Yes Caine Does a American accent. Maybe not the best accent. But have to respect Caine for trying.


He attempted a New England accent in Cider House Rules. Similar results - all over the place. Could they have recast the character as English born? Easily, but then you would have Caine speaking in his built-in East London accent. (Cockney) which wouldn't have played that well for an upper crust ''Princeton Professor''. OTOH, he could have had a go doing a posh English accent - couldn't have been worse than the American attempt. (Which was very distracting and took away from the film).


Yes, Sir Michael's awful accent was the only thing I disliked about the film. It was all over the place, and was even a Southern drawl at one point. There was absolutely no reason why he could not have played it as a Briton - he can do an upper class English accent quite well (see 'Zulu') or a more classless academic accent (as in 'Educating Rita'). It could have been explained that he was British but had moved to the USA where he met his wife. I got the impression the awful accent was put on simply to appeal to the US market.


For Sir Caine... I closed my eyes and pretended he was a Brit who lived most of his life in the US and even became a citizen, but hadn't really lost his English accent...


can't outrun your own shadow

I AM DEE BEE -- 10 years !


In Cider House Rules I just assumed that he was brain-damaged from inhaling all that ether and then it didn't bother me--but in this one there was no excuse. I love Michael Caine and this was a wonderful performance, but there is an old adage in theatre that if you can't do an accent perfectly, don't do it. After all, did anyone even notice that in Red October the Russian sub captain had a Scots accent?


It was american but it still sounded like his regular voice.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


He tried to. Honestly I didn't think he did very well. He kept slipping back into his home accent. Thing is, he did a great job at a Texan accent for Secondhand Lions (so good that, since it was the first movie I saw him in, I assumed he was really Texan and didn't know he was actually British until years later), so I don't get why he didn't do so good this time.

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of history.
-Mao Zedong


I never thought for a second that he was even attempting an American accent. Two of my closest friends are from foreign lands (south of the border and eastern Europe). One came as a teen, the other as an adult. They are now both American citizens and consider themselves to be full Americans.

I thought it odd that the woman at the deli assumed he was an American, because it was so obvious that he had to be from the UK. I took that to be a random America bashing scene (we get used to it), but other than that I just assumed that he had immigrated to the U.S. years earlier and become a citizen. It happens, folks.

I love Michael Caine. He's one of my all time favorites. I also love it when actors pull off an accent. I even love it when they make a really good, but imperfect effort (good enough to pass for most audiences around the world). But I hate it when no effort is made, but is necessary for the part (Shawn Connery playing a Russian sub commander; Tom Cruz playing a Nazi officer: I'm talking to you guys).

If Mr. Caine is truly unable to do an accent, he shouldn't play foreigners--unless there's an explanation for his English accent. That said, I still really enjoyed him in this sad, but beautiful film. Two thumbs up.


He was actually American, it's just that Michael Caine can't do an American accent to save his life. Sean Connery never used an accent, because he knew he wasn't any good at them.


yep, but he shoulda stuck with his own, his accent is horrible

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


Michael Caine's American accent is on par with Dick Van Dyke's English accent.


Haha, read this far because I was waiting for someone to make the comparison.
