MovieChat Forums > Gone (2012) Discussion > Plot flaws? [Spoilers]

Plot flaws? [Spoilers]

The killer was enough of a lock-picking expert to get into the house without using any force, even though we saw a close-up of THREE locks on the front door -- that shot was doubtless in the movie to prove to us that after her kidnapping, Seyfried's character had got lots of security on the house.

So, why does the killer rent a van from an unreliable person -- a very risky thing to do -- with which to do the kidnapping? Why not just steal a van or car if you can pick locks? Why doe he rent a *locksmith's* van?

And second, why does he honk the horn twice when he has just finished committing the crime, alerting the neighbour on the opposite side of the street to his presence?


It was a set up!

Get it?

He wanted Jill to follow the obvious clues.

But, it backfired on him.

 "Maybe it's another dimension. Or, you know, just really deep." --Needy


That's the part that doesn't work for me.

Obvious clues? If any of the people along the trail had not played their part right, Jill would never have gotten to the pit. If the locksmith had clammed up, if the hardware store owner had chosen not to reveal a customer's details to a stranger, if she never got the phone number...

Maybe Jim planned on just calling her if she lost the trail.

Or if he really had taken Molly, not just used her to get to Jill.

I enjoyed most of it. It was a good tense thriller, but that whole trails of crumbs was too unlikely.


I loved the movie but I sort of agree with you here. I'm thinking the movie could have worked if killer had just left her voicemails with clues or riddles that lead her to the forest/camp sight, rather than leaving an apparent breadcrumb trail of clues and trusting that everything would work according to how he planned.

Respect what you have 🌌
