
I can't believe nobody is writing about this. Emanuel had sexual fantasies about her stepmother, suspicious and interesting attraction to Linda, not to mention this movie was written and directed by an open lesbian.

Wait, I know what you are going to say "She only missed a mother, she had a boyfriend" As Emanuel's stepmother said, her never having a mother created confusion with her not being able to distinguish mother's love and sexuality, Jessica Biel was only a few years older than her - more fited to be a lover than a mother. As for the boyfriend I feel she was using him to prove to herself and her family she likes men. Further his character was put there not to make her appear just anotehr lesbian which would make her attraction to Linda less interesting.

In short I think she really liked Claude but had bisexual tendencies for Linda combined with need for motherly love.





eye of the beholder

what I got out of it was Emanuel's stepmother was injecting her own paranoia into the situation, Emanuel's moments with the bf were initiated by Emanuel and when no one was there to witness them.

I think you're confusing the scenes of her attraction to Biel's character with something that's in your own mind ... I saw Emanuel feeling what it would be like if her mother was alive and nothing more.

the fact that the film was written and directed by a lesbian should be irrelevant unless you're suggesting that a lesbian would be incapable of the concepts I mentioned above without injecting her own sexuality into the mix ... which would be kind of stereotyping IMO.

If I want to be sermonized, moralized, or propagandized, I'll join a church or a political party.


imdb has it marked in the "lesbian subtext" category, so i don't think anybody that sees what OP sees is making it up


Projecting your fantasies here..nothing more.
There can be love between same sex without it being sexual...there was nothing sexual going on here between any of the females.

Step-mom interjected this paranoia mostly because she was jealous that Emanual was feeling a motherly affection toward Linda instead of towards her.

This movie is about loss and grief ...and coming out of the darkness.
Not the closet.


Uh- sorry, but the reaction to this posters genuine question, based on their reaction to dialogue drawn directly from the film is initially smug, then dismissive, and by the time the last respondent began making accusations of 'fantasy projection' we have crossed a line into actual insult.

You've taken an individuals genuinely understandable confusion over elements within the film, and recast them as some sort of slobbering gimp hunting for lesbian fantasy material.

Personal insinuations in response to a question about film are extremely inappropriate, I have reported the poster above.

As for the film? Insipid, forgettable, improbable. Unchallenging limp drama, studded with cliche, and ranging from underwritten to overblown. 5/10


Christ on a cracker.

Emanuel did not have sexual fantasies about her step mother. She told her she did just to get a rise out of her. She said things all the time to mess with her step mothers head. It was a repeated theme in the movie.

This is not difficult to grasp. Take your hands out of your pants and go do something useful.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


Her crack against her step-mother was foreshadowing. How many useful things have you done in the past week? Hope it's more than OP.


I was not arguing the potential existence of subtext (although I would have, vehemently, if the OP had intelligently discussed that. There is no underlying sexual subtext between any of the female characters. It is all significantly maternal. There are only lesbian REFERENCES, which has a different meaning).

I am arguing against the claim, made so definitively, that the protagonist had sexual fantasies about her step-mother. She did not.

It's interesting that you believe people who disagree with you must therefore do nothing useful. I've seen some odd, narcissistic opinions in my life but that one is truly unique. i must go read your other posts; I imagine the workings of your mind are fascinating.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


The fact that Emmanuel could and did watch Linda from the bedroom window is a sign of subtext. That she spent hours in the same room with her, gazing at her, and indulging her insane fantasies is subtext. You're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion as stated above is that you're right and everybody else is wrong. If you want to convince someone to share your opinion, state your reasons or GTFO.


Yes, it is subtext. But the desire was for a mother, not a lover. Reasons? If I need to list the reasons why the mother/child relationship and loss of same are the key driving motivators in every single female character, perhaps I watched a different movie.

The mother/infant bond is a drive every bit as powerful as the drive for sexuality, perhaps because they derive from the same survival instinct. The longing is visceral. Perhaps men don't experience that same drive and therefore transmute it into sexual desire when they see it. I find it kind of disturbing that someone can see the powerful, crushing loss, loneliness, and desire for a mother bond in the eyes of an adolescent girl watching a young mother hold an infant (or infant-symbol) and translate that into their minds as "oh yeah, she wants to do her."

Please do NOT list your reasons. They're already all too clear. And bear in mind that it's not that I'm right and "everyone else" is wrong. It's that I find the psychosexual adolescent delusions of the OP ridiculous. And apparently those of the one person defending him. Sorry, but you two are not "everyone else." I'm sure there are a few more Neanderthals who will gladly set aside the tissue and lotion to agree with you, however.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


I wonder why you had to make such vicious personal attacks against someone who stated something you disagree with. Is there something wrong with your reasoning?
