What a sad time

The governments don't actually have to draw up false charges to take down whistle blowers...the just call them commie spies and rapists and the gullible publie believes it.

WW3 cannot start soon enough.



I used to support him but to me the key to being a sympathetic whistle blower is to release the information in totality as it becomes available and let the publiC assign relevance.

Assange is now trying to actively influence the U.S. election because of his hatred for the Clinton's. He has now crossed the line from whistle blower to political actor, and as such he looses my sympathy and respect.

And as somebody who has lived through and in war be careful what you wish for. In a real World War you don't get to sit it out on the internet.

- I have a giant soap box and I intend to smash you with it.


If he thinks his latest attempt to damage Clinton will influence Clinton supporters, he's wrong. The more she is attacked, the more people will support her. Dirty politics is the theme in this disgusting election. I've never seen anything like it.


Time for me to watch this film again.
