MovieChat Forums > The Fifth Estate (2013) Discussion > Australians: How was Cumberbatch's Accen...

Australians: How was Cumberbatch's Accent?

Australians: How was Cumberbatch's accent?


I've only watched the various trailers and clips but so far, better than many but still very recognisably someone putting on an Australian accent rather than actually sounding Australian. Assange's accent is pretty much exactly the same as mine, fairly neutral, urban, what we'd call "educated Australian", Cumberbatch's attempt is good but I'm still hearing an accent rather than the no accent I hear when Assange speaks. He seems to shade into South African a couple of times to my ear too, I think Aussie is difficult to maintain especially at the less broad end of the scale. If you want to compare, there's a good sample of Assange speaking with an Australian born journalist here: You'll find him a lot less twitchy than Cumberbatch's version too...

It will be interesting to hear what the critics here have to say in November when we get the film, they can be a bit scathing when people get us wrong. Meryl Streep's risible attempt still gets laughs in these parts.


You didn't like Meryl Streep's accent?

Uniformed guards will be arriving soon to take you away ...

Also, can you please elaborate on Aussie v South African? Like, are there key words that differentiate one from the other?


I think that Benedict's accent sounded more british than austrialian.


Trust me, it didn't.


I'm a Kiwi, not an Aussie, but it didn't sound right to me either. That's not to say he didn't make a good attempt, I think it's probably one of the better efforts I've heard, but I've never come across an actor that could convincingly pull off an Australian or New Zealand accent. And before anyone asks, yes, there are huge differences between those two, although I'm aware that to non-Australasians they sound very alike (my own [Scottish] husband can't tell the difference!) As for the differences between Australian and South African, I don't know where to start, to me they sound so massively different I don't know how they could be confused, but that's perhaps because I'm so sensitive to the differences.


As a Canadian, I pride myself on at "least" being able to identify where English speakers come from by the way they speak. However there are difficulties when the basic accent is more regional than national.

In order of easily identifying:
1- American
2- British
3- Scottish
4- Irish
5- Australian
6- Canadian; yes can be very difficult to detect and not mistaken for American.
7- South African
8- New Zealander
9- The rest; regional changes within the nation itself; Texan, Liverpudlian, etc..


My father knew this guy who was amazing with regional accents. We live in ontario and the guy could instantly tell what part of ontario you grew up in from the accent. Now this was 50+ years ago where people didn't move around as much and usually stayed where they grew up.


I've only seen the trailer but it definitely sounded wrong. He got the look right, it was fine till he opened his mouth. I can't really explain what's wrong but it just sounds like he's trying too hard. But the Australian accent is so hard to do, noone I've ever seen has faked it right, except maybe Liev Schreiber in 'Mental'. And yes I agree, Benedict's was better than Meryl's. Hers was pretty terrible.

evian is naive spelled backwards


Wow you guys are tough.

I can usually tell about accents but with this one I could not because BC is British and British and Australian are similar enough to me that if he dropped Australian and moved into British I would not have picked it up.

And yes yes we all know British and Australian are different.

There are similarities between SA and Australian.


If the question is did BC manage to sound like Assange, then having watched the film and seen some interviews I'd said he did a good job.

Assange's accent doesn't sound like a straight forward Australian accent to me, maybe because he moved thirty times before his 14th bday - his accent seems to lilt slightly in its strength and doesn't seem to be very consistent in its nature.

When Assange gets passionate about something his accent seems almost like a mockery of the way an Australian sounds to other countries. The movie trailer unfortunately is full of these passionate moments; therefore if that is all you've seen it makes it seem like BC did a poor job.

If BC spoke like that while playing a any other Australian then yes it would be 'off' and not very accurate, but it seems like a good fit for Assange.

i can't see, *beep* i have no eyes - agent sands


I'm guessing you're not actually an Australian though, are you? I can assure you to an inner city Sydneysider like me Assange has a perfectly normally, non-bogan, non Crocodile Dundee modern Australian accent. Cumberbatch's attempt is not bad but it's exaggerated and inconsistent and reminds me of nothing so much as a British comedy sketch show satire of an Australian soap. It's a caricature. That's not to say he's not a very good actor, of course he is but I have yet to see a non Australian actually make a credible attempt at our accent.


I'm not Australian, but surely that doesn't mean I can't tell the difference between accents? I'm not saying Benedict's accent is perfect by any means - I'm just saying that it sounds to me at least like he has managed to sound like Assange and to my ear doesn't sound just like a British actor doing a sketch show caricature of an Australian.

Listen to the accents in this video and tell me they don't sound alike. He has the phrasing and growly texture of Assange's accent pegged.

i can't see, *beep* i have no eyes - agent sands


Yes, it really does. Particularly if you can't tell the difference between Assange and Cumberbatch in that video. One is my own accent, the other a parody. I've listened to many interviews with Assange and as he says in that clip, it is grating to hear actors getting it wrong. This is why Americans worship Meryl Streep's brilliance at accents and Australians laugh their arses off, for some reason few non Aussies have an ear for our accent.

In any case, the OP asked what Australians thought of the accent and every Australian who has answered has said the same thing: better than some but still not right. Kind of arrogant to think you know our own accent better than we do, no?


People worry to much about accents. I am American and could tell Cumberbatch wasn't Australian by his accent. The movie is so bad you forget about accents and just hope it ends soon.


I'm a little late to the party on this, but I'm Aussie and I think he actually did a very good job with the accent! In fact, if you listen to a Julian Assange interview he sounds a lot like him.
The trouble with the Australian accent to the rest of the world is that the only other pop culture exposure the world has to the accent is through Crocodile Dundee and Steve Irwin, but to be completely honest with you those accents are associated to us Aussies as "ocher" or "bogan" accents. Bogans are in their simplest form the Australian version of the American redneck, or the British chav. And they range from that deep "ocher" accent you hear in the guys such as Steve Irwin (and even Hugh Jackman puts it on too) to that screechy galah sound you hear in girls (ala Kath and Kim). Trust me, most of the Australian population doesn't sound like that. We sound a lot more like Assange.
It's very difficult to do an Australian accent, and I think Cumberbatch did a great job :)


When I started watching I thought I heard him drop a few T's like the British do (Aussies pretty much never don't pronounce a T sound, or at worst slur it into a D if it's between two words) but after the first 5 or 10 minutes I relaxed my critical ear because he was actually doing a really well.
Foreign actors almost always butcher our accent but Cumberbatch did a really good job.


To me, the accent was ok, if a bit over done, but what was up with the lisp thing???? Never heard Assange speak with a lisp.


Nailed it. drops a few times but to be expected.


Have only watched a bit of the movie, but for the amount of talking he has to do, it's not too bad, you can tell he's struggling to keep it though, certainly closer to an actual Australian accent then what you see on American TV shows when it's over done. Jesse Spencer on House, that's what we sound like okay!!

Assange is 6th generation Australian and grew up in Queensland, I'm 1st generation to English parents and grew up just outside Melbourne, but have family in Queensland and BC does the accent pretty good, to my ear at least! He does often slip on the vowels and comes off sounding more South African. I worked for years with a South African guy and the main difference I found was in the vowel pronunciation, especially on certain words.

As a 1st gen Australian to English parents, I had a broad northern accent as a child, it took me years to drop that after starting school (and being teased pretty bad for it!), but there are still words I can't say without unconsciously having an accent, especially when emotional. So I have great admiration for anyone who can adapt another accent, especially just for a short filming period. Congrats to BC for doing a pretty decent job of it :)


hes supposed to be Australian?? get the *beep* out !


He sounds like an actor trying to imitate Assange.

I'm an Australian who has lived here all my life. There are slight differences in the Aussie accent.

However, I thought BC did an adequate job.


If I heard the tape on the radio, I would have thougth it was Assange. Yes he did sound like he just awoke from a nap but it was excellent.

As to the Oz part of it it wasn't overdone but you could tell what it was. Cumberbatch was first rate.

Kisskiss, Bangbang
