Problem with the casting

I have not actually seen the show, and therefore if they stay true to the book in that sense, however, the looks of the actors and actresses themselves are wrong. If you actually read the book: Cassie has brown hair and blue eyes; Adam has red hair and blue-grey eyes; and Diana has blonde hair (but I don't remember the eye color).

I don't know if they stay true to the story of the books or not, but these details so obviously ignored from the book have made me against watching this show, since it is on Netflix.


Why do people care so much about crap like that?


You won't watch over things like hair color and eye color? Seriously?


it shouldn't matter that much. i mean obviously the writer (l.j. smith??) wrote her (his??) characters too look a certain way on purpose. but it's just color-blind casting.

just sayin.


Stuff like eye color and hair color and skin color absolutely no not matter AT ALLLLLL in book-to-film adaptations unless a certain feature or trait is significant to the story, and in the case of The Secret Circle, their looks were never important.

Also, Adam in the books sounds ugly as hell.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


I thought the same about this series and the Vampire Diaries at first. The coloring of the characters was a major theme in her books, that's why it is important to some people. Diana and Faye were supposed to be complete opposites - light and dark.

However, I watched the shows and got past that. The TV shows obviously weren't trying to mirror the books, so I started looking at them as two separate entities and I'm able to enjoy them.


I don't care about hair/eye color stuff but I didn't think Adam was attractive enough to warrent fighting over.


I've read the books and watched the show. The way the characters look in the books and in the show shouldn't matter. Their hair color, skin tone, eye color, anything like that played no significant role. Also, while I really enjoyed the books, I fell in love with the characters who portrayed them in the show a lot more.


That's extremely shallow. The reason you're not watching it is the difference in look? How about attitude and talent and general compatibility for starters? I bet your love life also suffers from that mindset.
