The abandoned house...

This may be a dumb question, but what the hell: in the abandoned house the Circle used as their base of operations, where was the power coming from for the various lights and lamps they had set up? The house looked pretty old and run down, and it seemed to be situated in the middle of nowhere (or at least pretty far from the town).

- P U D D I N' -


Not a dumb question at all! I actually read this a week ago and since I am in the middle of the series I thought I'd wait to answer in case they mention it on the show, but so far nothing has explained the electricity. I'm going to have to do some fanwanking here and say that they used their powers to get free electric. Otherwise, it's a mystery.


Might be a stretch buy maybe Blackwell set up some sort of estate for the house, keeping electric and maybe water on just in case he could come back sooner rather than later.


Portable generator.
