series finale!

How is the shows ending ?? good bad?? I want to staryt watching just want to know if its worth it.


Most things get wrapped up in a neat little bow.


Great ending, imo.


Frankly I didn't like it. It's my understanding that revenge is not justifiable no matter what. She said that she didn't kill anyone but how many people died and/or had their lives ruined by what she did. So I don't think Emily should have had her "happy ending"--getting married to Jack. Too bad Daniel was killed off it would have been like a full circle if they go together. I think she should have ended up in a convent as penance.


Why would you post spoilers to a person deciding if they want to watch or not? Kind of douche-y.


It felt a little rushed.
I mean, it's like they needed to close out the series so they squished it all up and ended it.
I love the show though! Definitely worth the time to watch. :D


Cool. I've seen some promos and it defnitely triggerd my cureiosity. Going to start it soon.


I thought the series concluded Amanda story nicely while it left it open for a new storyline to continue the show.


They could have told the entire story in one or two seasons. It really gets ridiculous and drags on...


The ending is problems with it.


This is one of my favorite shows in history, Emily is one of my favorite characters.

Hated the ending. Hated it! I won't spoil it other to say it's not faithful to the pilot.

That hexagon-face bitch, she's so passive-aggressive.
