Setting the history correct

Beyond the glimmers of the wonderful camera angles and carefully crafted dialogues, lets set the history details here: this is the overly glorified and dramatized story of one of the smartest female spies of the history. Gertrude Bell was an adventurist spy of the time, who have done an amazing job for the emperialist United Kingdom of the time. Using her immensely striking female appeal, which found its way much easily in those days than today, to the deeper fabric of the Ottoman Empire's multi-ethnic society. She literally infiltrated into the every corner of all Mezapotampia, revealing all the details of each fraction, tribe and ethnic group of the time. Not only she has instigated ethnic issues, she has the ultimate responsibility of introducing the ever-famous character of Lawrence (known as the Lawrence of Arabia) to the Saudis. She simply abused the privilidges given to her by using her other identities as archeolgist, historian etc. and then indulged herself with the intricate details of the ethnic groups. She herself has drawn the national border between today's Turkey and Iraq back in 1924. If she was doing all those things in today's world, she probably might have been executed on the spot, but in the times she operated, she got away with a glorified record of serving to her British Empire. The love life of Gertrude was also notable in the sense that she had her secret lover, Major Dick Doghty Willie, who was married and never divorced her wife, and thus caused severe pain to Gertrude, and then the major got shot in the Canakkale war. Perhaps, this might have explained Gertrude's hatret to Turks. So, when watching the film, keep these in perspective to understand the full picture.


Thank you. I certainly will. And today's conflicts were born.
