
which Director would you choose if you could?

Mine would be
Greg Berlanti or Galt Niederhoffer


Joe Wright from Atonement (2007) & Pride&Prejudice (2005). He's a british, but he did an impressive job for dramas. Atonement nominated for oscar fyi. but i dont really know. or black swan's director. he pulled dark movies like black swan into a masterpiece! so i wont doubt he'll give us an impressive & beautiful movie if he direct this.


I think you mean Joe Wright lol. This would never happen, but I would like to see Sofia Coppola do it. She does subtle so well, which would fit the movie perfectly.

I'm curious though OP, why did you pick Greg Berlanti? Is it because he produced Everwood? Because I can't see anything else he did that's similar to the book.

I only do it with superheroes.


Joe Austen from Atonement (2007) & Pride&Prejudice (2005). He's a british, but he did an impressive job for dramas. Atonement nominated for oscar fyi. but i dont really know. or black swan's director. he pulled dark movies like black swan into a masterpiece! so i wont doubt he'll give us an impressive & beautiful movie if he direct this.

Um, it's Joe Wright. And he didn't direct Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky did.

I don't think big time directors will touch this movie with a 10-foot pole.. but I do hope one of them will. Marc Webb who directed (500) Days of Summer might be good. He's also working on The Amazing Spider-Man now.


"They wouldn't touch it with a 39 1/2 foot pole..."
Couldn't resist, sorry ;)

What you /f/e/e/l/ is what you are; and what you are is {b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.}<3


Ok there you go. Actually, I'm just too lazy to edit it before. Hehe. ;)

And yeah, I knew Aronofsky directed BS, I even wrote that down darling. ;)


Sofia Coppola. Her movies have an eery, yet beautiful quality to them. Almost dream-like.

Greg Berlanti would also be just excellent.

I would like Kevin Williamson to be involved with the writing - I think he does an excellent job with so many of his films/tv shows.

Also, whoever directed My So-Called Life. They would have the perfect style for what I would like for the movie.
