MovieChat Forums > 13 Reasons Why (2017) Discussion > No this isn't any hate on Selena.

No this isn't any hate on Selena.

Just to make it clear I have absolutely nothing against Selena Gomez. I think she is wonderful for Disney and one of the few stars from there that has their head on straight. Now in that case, I did not picture her at all for Hannah. Yes, I realize everyone pictured someone different but I feel for this role Selena is just not right for it. From what I've seen from her acting wise she is a mediocre actress at best. I feel this is too great of a role for a mediocre actress to tackle. I also feel that if she is cast they will try to sugar coat the movie for her image and younger fans so they can see the movie. This movie should definitely be rated R. With the sexual situations towards the end and the teen drinking and stuff, in order for this to stay true to the book it would have to be rated R. I feel if Selena is cast they would dump the rape scene and hot tub scene or downplay it because of her image, but really those were key situations in the book. Way too important to downplay or take out altogether. I actually could see her playing the cheerleader Jenny Kurtz or possibly even Courtney Crimsen, but as Hannah? No. I would much rather see someone like Elizabeth Olsen, Jennifer Lawrence or even Hailee Steinfeld for the role. Admittedly I pictured Jennifer Lawrence for the role after seeing her performance in The Poker House but since I've pictured different actresses but Selena Gomez is definitely not on that list. As far as the part for Clay? I have no idea. I picture different guys for him. I recently just re-read the book and for some odd reason I pictured Colton Haynes as Clay this time around. I see a lot of people on here like Logan Lerman and to be honest I could actually see him pulling off Clay. Anyways there's my two cents on the casting for this movie. Beside the point of whoever is cast, I really hope they don't try to glamourize this movie and keep the heart of the story on the screen. That's most important.





I agree with you completely and totaly 100 percent, about sugarcoating it, for the other actress, and for everything in between.


Well I don't they will sugar coat it for her image. By time this movie even comes out she will not be with Disney for a few years, and she already doing a movie called Spring Breakers, which will probably be Rated R and comes over before this movie. People need to get over the whole she a Disney girl thing, just because she plays a slut, or a girls who does drugs, or someone who's kills themselves doesn't mean she's like that in real life and all your kids are going to start doing what she's doing, and if they do you fail a little as a parent

I like to be naked under my clothes
