So so sad....

It makes me so sad to see, especially in this new season, these people hoard items and not donate them. The lady last week had a ton of diapers and no children, this week it was a hundred boxes of maxi pads and the lady has had a hisdetectamy! People in the community can use some of this stuff! This show has turned into a new season of hoarders!


There is article on the internet about Broderick and his family do donate.I think the lady who needed a larger shed she's a hoarder.Why not use up some of the stuff she already has then it will fit in the shed and donate the 50,000 pads she has.


I know there's been like 2 or 3 at least that openly donate their hoard o stash. Donate not for the sake of the cameras being there for a feel good moment, but donate their hoard o crap on a regular basis. They have said, after filming, that their hoards rarely get that big.

TLC asked them not to donate their pile o crap for several weeks to play it up for the camera day of filming.

But not everyone on the show donates-a few have donated only because the cameras were following them around so they wouldn't look like an even bigger douche than they already are. One got outed for selling his hoard o crap he gets for free on ebay.

Mostly though they are people with hoarding issues.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap


It's a "Hysterectomy",LOL. :) I was just thinking about that woman because I'm watching the episode in which she's featured.

I get my period and even I don't have that many pads! I mean holy *beep*

I'm a Vic Morrow Chick! He's my love!


The lady with too many Maxi Pads should donate half of those.In certain cities,towns and situations,it makes sense for people to haord all or half of what they buy with Coupons.Especially if there are floods or a flood,Tornadoes,Snowstorms/Blizzards,Earthquakes and other disasters,since they can't always buy Fresh Fruit/s vegetables and other things with only money whenever they can or want to.


Ummm you will still have your period even with a hysterectomy. My mom had one and still gets her period.


It's not possible to have your uterus removed and still have a period.


Did she have a tubal ligation and not a hysterectomy. A woman cannot have her period without a uterus.


You can only still have your period if you only had a partial hysterectomy.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."


A hysterectomy is, by definition, the surgical removal of the uterus. Without a uterus, you cannot shed blood every month and there is no period. You may still have ovaries producing hormones, but you can't have a period without a uterus.


Well I do have some sources if you'd like to take a's a main one:

"After hysterectomy, the menstrual period will stop. In some cases of supracervical or partial hysterectomy menstrual bleeding can continue, but at a much lighter level than prior to the hysterectomy. If the ovaries are left in place and a woman has not yet gone through menopause, the ovaries will still produce estrogen and will continue to do so until they stop functioning naturally."

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."
