MovieChat Forums > Extreme Couponing Discussion > JOYCE on the new upcoming episode

JOYCE on the new upcoming episode

She is a fake and a fraud! There are many posts online where she was supposed to trade coupons with people, then never sent hers to them, or sent them expired coupons. She claims to give thinks for church food banks, and claims to ship stuff to troops overseas--- but IS THERE PROOF???

This is not her first scam either.... so BEWARE of this woman if you come into contact with her!



I started a NEW FACEBOOK GROUP--- "I've been blocked by Extreme Couponing Joyce Harvey-Hansell" Please feel free to share this with your friends and family who may have been lied to or defrauded by her... or even if you just have suspicions and information.

Please feel free to friend me on FB, Kirsten Rothlander, or go tothe link below.



IS she is the couponterage lady?



I think Joni is the name of the couponterage lady.



She kept saying coupons are my crack. I get the feeling that crack is her crack.
