MovieChat Forums > Extreme Couponing Discussion > My Issues with these people

My Issues with these people

I am all for using coupons and getting sales! I love to find a good deal, but the people on this show are just too much!

1. You have 500 bottles of Asprin - I am sure they have an expiration date and YES, it does matter for medicines - how are you EVER going to use all of that up? What if I wanted to use my ONE coupon for a bottle? Can't do that if you clear the shelves!

2. The lady that was making her kids "exercise" with the food. about NOT buying all that soda and other unhealthy foods?? Maybe then you and your kids wouldn't need to loose so much weight!
There was one episode where the whole closet was FILLED with Soda! My mom would NEVER have let me had that much soda!

3. Stockpiling diapers when you don't even have a baby?? What is up with that? I would worry they would go bad or something!

4. The lady that moved her boyfriend to the basement....wonder if he is still her boyfriend!

5. Spending 20-40 hours a WEEK on 'couponing" - don't you have better things to do???



Usually the things like the 500 bottles of aspirin are for the 'overages'. Sometimes they can make a dollar or more, so they can buy $500 worth of groceries for nothing! This is ridiculous and coupons need to have better policies. In Canada our coupons are so restricted, you can't do anything even close to what these people do.

Stockpiling diapers and even toilet paper/paper towels. So ridiculous! You may have a huge baby that doesn't fit into newborn sizes, and not all diapers work for all babies.

Canada for President 2012!


I live in Canada too.How true about coupon limits.Even stuff that is cheap in Canada has limits on the amount of stuff you can buy and that is with out coupons.I got an overage of $0.10 once on one item at Walmart.That was the one and only time I got overage.The cashier didn't look happy.It was item I needed to buy didn't buy it for the whopping overage.What you said is right we would never get the stuff they do in the U.S.


In the end, you all still win with your Universal Healthcare. We have to pay private insurers, and may still be denied coverage for procedures. Not only do we have to pay premiums, we have deductibles, and coinsurance costs on top of that. We can switch places. LOL



I hadn't watched in a few months, caught it this morning. Actually managed to surpass its earlier idiocy by several lenghts. Waiting for a *young* cashier to open up? Dragging your family *for an hour* around a store to facilitate your obsession?

Yes, they like to claim donation on some items, but also notice how nicely positioned they are during interviews in front of their stockpiles (fancy word for glutton-bunker). 95% of that stuff ain't goin' to no charity. It serves as a visual validation of their "success" (if you can call an unstable compulsion a success).

And the ball-busting nature of these wives/girlfriends, pretty disheartening to watch. Make the one guy move to the basement because "I'm paying for everything right now" and the husband forced around the market for an extra hour to fit her arbitrary cashier preferences.

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


I think that lady going around for an hour looking for a cashier was made up drama by the show.They would have set up the camera and lighting for the show on a cashier who already agreed to be on the show.


That was really terrible. Can you imagine being in a relationship with someone who bases all the decisions and power on "who's paying for stuff right now"??? The way the lady was talking made it sound like the husband/bf used to support her! I wonder if he ever relegated her to the garage to accommodate his massive porn collection???


Diapers do go bad after a while. They absorb ambient moisture from the air and stop working.

Same with toilet paper.... it is meant to decompose in sewer systems, I've found toilet paper rolls that I had somehow dropped behind things under the sink or whatever, its practically unusable it becomes so soft.




How true what you said Brooklyn1983.Just cause it's free doesn't mean they have to take it home.


as for the lady who makes her kids workout with the massive pile o hoard because gym memberships aren't free has never heard of the Y. The YMCA in my home town offers a limited number of *FREE* scholarships to kids 3-17 each year-$15 a month to totally free depending on parents income and number of slots they have left. For each age level swim class, they have 8-10 FREE slots for people who can't pay for swim lessons but want their kids to learn how to swim.

Many youth sports leagues do offer so many free slots (providing your income is low enough) and they do a lot of fundraising to keep those costs down.

I live in a very low income community with high unemployment rates (higher than state average) yet youth sports leagues and the Y still manages to crank out room for kids who can't pay.

I guess this lady never heard of throwing her kids out side for a few hours a day. The park is free-they can run around there and play on the swings and stuff for a couple hours a day too. Her tax dollars are already supporting that.

Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap



I caught this show on Netflix.

I couponed before, not at their level but getting free toilet paper and condoms is cool, lol. At the same time, 99% of food coupons are for processed food, people who do extreme couponing like that are liars if they say they eat healthy, even the skinny ones.

This show isn't about extreme couponers, it's about obsessive hoarders. If it wasn't coupons, it would be something else (over doing something that is.)


