do they eat

any fruit or veggies?


do they eat any fruit or veggies?
Apparently not. But they sure do have a lot of body wash, flavored water, toilet paper, shampoo, and sugary soft drinks!



Haha 'Well we have to eat boxed mac and cheese for the next year, but it's OK because we only paid 15 cents a box!'

Seriously, after spending 30-40 hours a week couponing then spending 10 hours at the store, then having to eat the same garbage for months and months - it's obviously not worth it to the average person...

"Ugh, now i'm going to have to go online and look at turtles." - Michael Scott


Maybe they buy all the stockpile stuff and then buy real food with the money left over. But then again, alot of these people are pretty obese.... they probably aren't eating anything but shelf food, lol.

Hey Jin! You better not be cheating on me!!


An early first season episode, the fat woman and her fat husband buy loads of antacid product and I thought WELL GEE if all you're buying is frozen food and junk, of course you're gonna need loads of antacid!!


I've seen quite a few people mention that they will buy fresh fruits and vegetables with any overage they may acquire, but as there are rarely (if ever, really) any coupons for fresh produce they are not worth mentioning on a show about coupons.

And its entirely possible that they go back and buy any non coupon items on a later day as they tend to flip out if anything is put in the basket that isn't coupon related on their trip.


They might eat them but they aren't buying them with coupons. You might find coupons for tinned fruit and/or veg but I don't think I've ever come across one for fresh stuff.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


I get lucky sometimes and find produce on sale and the store will have a this (chicken/beef/fish) and get a free 1 lb bag of carrots or bag of salad mix.


Often the big supermarkets here will have weekly specials on fruit and veg or meat but not really any offers like what you mentioned. I think it's great that they're encouraging healthy eating. Most coupons are the opposite.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


Yea, this one is a medium sized family owned store. I think that's why they do it. I go into the larger chain stores and I never find anything like that.
