MovieChat Forums > Extreme Couponing Discussion > They Appear To Buy Mostly Crap

They Appear To Buy Mostly Crap

Okay so maybe they do buy 100's bottles of laundry soap and toothbrushes but look at most of the food they buy with their coupons:

Sports Drinks

I'm curious why this one lady bought 59 bottles of BBQ sauce which I believe turned into .25 cents/each with her, why not go for the gusto and buy 60?

There was also that show where the gal who was married and had a baby with a combined income of $25,000 was using coupons to help support her parents and brother who had some health problems....she bought a huge amount of orange Tic Tac's...

Don't get me wrong, I love coupons and I always use them when possible but do you really need 200 bottles of Tic Tac's or in other cases have a special room with a lock on it because it's full of candy and chips and pop?


Some of the stuff they "buy" is essentially free when their coupons are combined with in-store specials. That's how they're buying all the Gatorade, vitamin water, tic tacs, candy and other junk. The unhealthy snacks, candy and sugar-sweetened cereals are more likely to get eaten than the dozens of bottles of barbecue sauce and mustard. I doubt these families are eating healthy food if the moms spend all their time calculating how to get more pop tarts or hamburger helper rather than shopping for healthier foods.


Tonight's show(11/13/12) they had 2 women shopping somewhat healthy. The first shopped at Whole Foods and the 2nd woman was giving up her unhealthy stockpile and shopping healthier.


There was that strange lady who likes to photograph her hauls and buys stuff cause it looks pretty like 300 dog collars.What about when she actually needs to use an item her stockpile and her stockpile isn't so pretty.


Well at least some people donate stuff once in a while...not often enough would be nice to see them donate a bit more...the SPCA would surely be able to use those dog collars...

The one thing I find uneasy about this whole show is what happens if and when people get recognized and they show where they live (the outside of their house or their neighbourhood)'re basically advertising to everyone that you have a crap load of merchandise in your basement, bedroom, garage etc...easy prey for robbers...


The one thing I find uneasy about this whole show is what happens if and when people get recognized and they show where they live (the outside of their house or their neighbourhood)'re basically advertising to everyone that you have a crap load of merchandise in your basement, bedroom, garage etc...easy prey for robbers...

Do you really think thieves are going to break in and make off with their precious stash of barbecue sauce and vitamin water? That stuff is heavy. The thieves are going to go for the laptops, ipods and TVs that they can pawn for cash.


I'm not kidding...

People are hurting for food and anything they can get their hands on...

I saw a show where people go into stores like Pharmacy's and steal and then turn around and sell the products for profit...if someone wants to steal something badly enough, they will...

Kraft Dinner could become the new crack


Nobody is going to break in to steal worthless boxes of tampons. It would take hours to haul the junk around, and who the hell would you sell that to? Put it on ebay and wait for someone to buy 1 box of tampons over the course of 3 months maybe make a profit of a few bucks????

People break into houses to steal electronics like laptops, PS3s, Xboxes, ipods, etc. You grab it quickly and go.


It's merchandise they didn't have before...

There was a story on the news about pharmacy's getting robbed for plain ordinary stuff like that (detergent of all things) and then it's sold on the black market for huge profit...sounds crazy but it's true...

If you advertise what you have in your home (no matter how big or small you perceive it to be) someone will take interest...and along with that stuff, there goes your tv, stereo and jewellery...


Hey dont be stupid she was probably gonna put those tic tacs in her boyfriends mail box its a romantic gesture

JEFF : I hate Glee.
PIERCE : I'm not crazy about Glee either.


You are absolutely right.

Unfortunately, there are seldomly coupons for items like meat.
