Character's power?

I watched the film a few hours ago and I have been trying to figure out The Walls power. They made it very obvious what powers the other characters had power wise, but I may have missed the "hint" for The Wall's. The only thing I remember was that he could not understand pain.

Charge - Strength
Cutthroat - Speed
Shadow - Invisibility
The Wall -?


What I got out of the "Hint" was that he was invincible which again might also explain his nickname. A person who is invincible you'd imagine to act shocked and confused at their first experiences with pain. Might be wrong but it made sense to me...unlike a few other things in the movie.


Very true, He didn't know blood nor pain so he has never experienced it since the insident(chronical, my super ex-girlfriend, & meteorman type of origin). Since Charge didn't really have super strength maybe that was The Wall's?



Charge didn't have a superpower, basically think of them as Batman (Charge), Cutthroat (Flash), Shadow (Wonder Woman), and Wall (Superman). The last three lost their powers and had to cope, but Charge never had powers, just a high level of physical and mental training (like Batman) in order to keep up with the others.


Actually Charge did have superpower, which is strength, and he gets to keep his superpower because the substances that were injected into his wrist didn't work on him. Rickshaw mentioned this at the beginning of Round 2.

The other 3 lost their superpower from the injection.


Rickshaw was wrong. Charge said he had trained so that he could keep up with the others but kept it a secret, and that was why the injection didn't work on him - there was nothing for it to work on.


Someone missed an important scene in the movie.


What I don't understand is how The Wall didn't understand blood or pain. From what I gathered they didn't always have their powers; they got them from that "thing in the sky" (meteor??), and before that, they would have been "normal". How did he never experience pain or bleed before that? Was he a bubble boy or something?


who knows? don't try to make sense of it. it's just a very stupid movie


Other people have sort of covered it, but yeah, The Wall was invulnerable. He didn't have super strength (if he did, he would have noticed that Charge didn't have real super strength).

I think the reason he couldn't understand pain was that he'd been invulnerable for something like ten years. Charge mentioned that he was starting to get old. From looking at him, we can figure he can't be much more than thirty-five, and he wouldn't have brought it up if he was much less than thirty. The others don't age, and they look like they're in their late teens or early twenties. So, yeah, about ten years without feeling pain or seeing your own blood. You could forget what it ever felt like, especially a kid that dumb.


I don't give him that much credit. I mean seriously... he's a superhero, did he never cause injury to evildoers? Could he not understand what blood was or guess what pain felt like?

If they had acted it better, him asking what blood was as more of disbelief that he was bleeding rather than really wondering what it was - that would have worked. As it stands it came off as so goofy that it detracted from what you're supposed to be feeling about one of their deaths.
